In this special issue of Alternatives you will find a green campus directory like no other. The interdisciplinary world of environmental education is a place where differences are as key as common threads, and where experts from different disciplines connect to come up with effective solutions. That’s why the AJ Environmental Education Directory 2007 focuses on universities that offer interdisciplinary programs. Furthermore, the directory recognizes that innovative activities of students outside the classromm rival coursework when it comes to an environmental education.

Featured Articles
HELP WANTED: Dawn has broken for ecojob seekers in this sunrise industry. Nicola Ross
Ron Portelli recalls when his university-bound daughter asked him where she should study environmental science. Despite a long environmental career, Portelli was surprised to realize he didn’t know the answer. Read
EXTRA CURRICULARS: Emerging leaders unearth their passions both inside and outside the classroom. Erin Elliott
The university experience can mean long hours in the lecture hall, but this doesn’t have to come at the expense of getting involved. Even those awkward two-hour breaks between classes provide enough time to explore environmental groups and activities. For those who long to make their mark, a smart place to start is right on campus. In fact, a passion for the planet can lead to a world of opportunity, according to Justin Trudeau, Anjali Helferty, Thomas Roussin, Jamie Biggar and Zo Caron. Read
Also inside
Trickster teacher Alison Neilson turns to Wannabe Coyote to learn about ecojustice in the environmental curriculum.
Enviro-literacy pioneer David Orr suggests that understanding our sense of place may be the key to wisdom.
Artist/curriculum developer Linda Carson reveals the merits of transdisciplinary education.
Brain Mulch: The newest “Phasebook” starring Ida Greenest.
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