Bluefin documentary to premiere in Toronto this month
Bluefin won the Wildlife Award at San Francisco’s International Ocean Film Festival. Continue reading Bluefin documentary to premiere in Toronto this month
Bluefin won the Wildlife Award at San Francisco’s International Ocean Film Festival. Continue reading Bluefin documentary to premiere in Toronto this month
Canada’s Great Water Adventure storybook features real Canadian waterways, and inspires youth through water education and volunteerism. Continue reading New storybook inspires youth to care for Canadian waterways
The Heiltsuk Nation is proposing plan to take a strong leadership role in oil spill prevention and response along BC’s Central Coast. Continue reading Heiltsuk Nation looks to build Indigenous Marine Response Centre
A full year after the Nathan E. Stewart tugboat spill near Bella Bella, BC, the Heiltsuk Nation is still dealing with the effects, and is now preparing a legal case against both the polluter, Kirby Corporation, and Canadian governments. Continue reading Heiltsuk Nation turns to courts a year after diesel spill and botched response
Canada’s Federal Government and Coastal First Nations have agreed on a framework for working together in a collaborative and efficient way to govern and manage fisheries resources along BC’s North and Central Coast. Continue reading Canada and BC’s Coastal First Nations are working together to manage marine resources
National and international stakeholders call for immediate interim action to protect threatened boreal caribou. Continue reading Canadian governments miss crucial deadline for caribou protection
Canada’s plan to implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples will require substantial changes in how we make decisions affecting water. Continue reading New report assesses implications of UNDRIP on water governance in Canada
World-leading Canadian environmental DNA technology will be used to fill freshwater data gaps. Continue reading New community based freshwater monitoring launches in Canada
First Nations along BC’s North and Central Coast are reiterating their position against the Province’s bear trophy hunt as the grizzly hunting season opens for fall 2017. Continue reading First Nations respond as the 2017 fall grizzly trophy hunt opens
Toronto – The Great Waters Challenge, an online Canada-wide game to engage youth and schools in water celebrations, is officially re-launching. … Continue reading Youth-Led Great Waters Challenge launches across Canada
The environmental assessment process for a proposed Deep Geologic Repository for nuclear waste has been halted until the Saugeen Ojibway Nation has made an informed decision on whether or not to support the project. Continue reading Nuclear waste repository on hold for Saugeen Ojibway Nation review
First Nations, scientists and environmental groups are applauding the BC Government for keeping its promise to end the trophy bear hunt. Continue reading Coastal First Nations react to BC’s announcement to end Trophy Bear Hunt