Resource and Environmental Management in Canada

Bringing together contributions from over two dozen specialists in the field, this new fourth edition explains how the management process works; the variety of strategies used; the various technical and non-technical considerations that influence decisions; and the tradeoffs that must be made to accommodate a broad range of legitimate societal interests. Continue reading Resource and Environmental Management in Canada

Plato’s Revenge: Politics in the Age of Ecology

If Herman Daly is the economist for sustainable development, Amory Lovins the physicist and Al Gore the politician, William Ophuls must be the philosopher. Ophuls’ first book on the subject, Ecology and the Politics of Scarcity (1997), placed him among the few scholars of the time (Rifkin and Daly in the United States; Leiss and Paehlke in Canada) who had managed to bridge the gulf between science and politics to insist that modern values and the democratic politics associated with them were on a collision course with ecology. Continue reading Plato’s Revenge: Politics in the Age of Ecology