Environmental group reacts to being focus of federal government spying

Enbridge Review Panel Noise Demo (Photo credit: Caelie_Frampton)
Enbridge Review Panel Noise Demo (Photo credit: Caelie_Frampton)

Vancouver – Recently the Vancouver Observer broke a story revealing the federal government has been vigorously spying on environmental and public interest organizations involved in helping BC residents participate in the National Energy Board Enbridge community hearings early this year.

Some of the groups named in the story include the Dogwood Initiative, Idle No More, Sierra Club BC and ForestEthics.

“It’s a sad day in Canada when we learn the federal government is spending tax dollars to spy on honest folks and then share surveillance intelligence with companies like Enbridge,” said Will Horter, Dogwood Initiative Executive Director, one of the organizations who reacted to the news.

One event surveilled took place on January 27 at a Kelowna church where a group of mostly senior citizens learned about storytelling and creative sign-making. ”Why would they spy on us?,” asked Horter. “All we’re doing is helping British Columbians engage in issues that affect them. What they call security issues, we call democracy.”

DeSmog’s Deputy Editor Emma Gilchrist, Dogwood’s former communications director, wrote a response piece to yesterday’s news: The Day I Found Out the Canadian Government Was Spying on Me.


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