817: 3 June 2013 – Published by Green Communities Canada.
OFFICIAL LAUNCH. Green Communities Canada launched WALK Friendly Ontario, a designation program that recognizes municipal excellence in walkability. By awarding Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum designations to towns and cities from across Ontario, WALK Friendly Ontario will stimulate action to make communities safer and more enjoyable places to walk.
GCC SOCIAL ENTREPRISE. See new promotional materials from GreenIT, Web conferencing for non-profits and Websites that make a difference.
NEW E.D. Stephanie Crocker is EcoSource’s new Executive Director. Since 2004, she has worked with adult environmental organizations in the Region of Peel to help build capacity in communities for environmental change. She co-founded Peel Environmental Youth Alliance (PEYA). She then shared lessons of the PEYA-EcoSource collaboration across the province through the Environmental Youth-Adult Partnerships project.
WINDFALL FESTIVAL. The 12th Annual Windfall Ecology Festival focuses on environmental awareness: energy and water conservation, sustainable energies, lifestyle, health and wellness, and much more. 8-9 June … Drive Electric Conference is new to Windfall festival this year, and takes place on Friday 7 June.
RAIN WORKSHOPS. REEP Green Solutions offers three free RAIN hands-on workshops. “Learn ecological solutions to stormwater problems on your property from experienced contractors.” Permeable Paving, Cisterns and Pumps, 4 June; Rain Garden Sizing, Construction and Care, 11 June; Harvest Rainwater and Build a Rain Garden, 19 June.
LAST STEPS. Challenge your students to walk (or jog, skip or bike) for a week between Earth Week and Clean Air Day (5 June). Spring into Spring can be doubled up with other activities like Environment Week (2-8 June), Summer Safety Week (3-9 June), Bike to Work/School events and many more!
AKI ENERGY. See Enterprising Non-Profits’ article on Aki Energy, an Aboriginal social enterprise connecting First Nations to the green economy through geothermal energy. B.U.I..LD. Winnipeg brought its social enterprise movement expertise to Aki, while Green Communities Canada contributed its experience in insulation and project management with the federal government.
MARKETING GRANT. Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley received a $15,000 grant to put towards the development of a marketing plan that will help further spread the messages of programs like WildSmart and Sustainable Action Canmore. “What we’re doing is designing a strategic marketing plan so that we better reach different groups, including the semi-permanent population, which is a very difficult group to reach, and also visitors as well as residents,” said Melanie Watt, the Institute’s executive director.
GREEN PICNIC. See neat promo piece by GreenUP: an information sheet about environmentally-friendly picnics featuring the store’s products: market basket, reusable utensils, thermoses, insulated bags, stainless steel containers, cloth napkins, dish towels, natural bug repellent and sun screen.
OTTAWA TRANSPORTS. Green Communities Canada participated in the organization of a meeting/campaign launch along with Ecology Ottawa, Walk Ottawa, EnviroCentre, and a few others, March 2013. They demand that City of Ottawa adopts a plan that would better balance the needs of different modes of transportation. If passed, an official policy would guide the planning of new and retrofitted roads: wider sidewalks, more bike lanes, prioritized transit lanes or better crosswalks for pedestrians.
VOLUNTEER TRAINING. Green Calgary is seeking volunteers to help businesses be more waste-conscious and eco-friendly. In 2012, Green Calgary’s Green Workplace team completed 17 visual waste assessments with Calgary businesses, assessing 826 bags of garbage. Waste Assessment Orientation & Training is 5 June.
LEADERS SURVEY. Sustainabilility Network and Ontario Nonprofit Network encourage environmental NGO Executive Directors and senior leaders to complete ONN’s ‘ Looking Ahead Leadership Survey. Survey closes 7 June.
THE FUTURE OF CROWDFUNDING. Research firm has identified five major crowdfunding developments for 2013 and beyond: niche platforms, locavesting, enterprise crowdfunding, crowdfunding economic development, and live crowdfunding. With crowdfunding volumes reaching $2.7 billion in 2012, it has emerged as a viable, scalable alternative to public and private finance across the globe.
TWTTER STRATEGIES. Spitfire Strategies’ two-pager aims at helping organizations use Twitter to identify target audiences, find connections with key influencers and offers best practices to spread their message effectively.
WEATHER VS CLIMATE. Hilarious British comedy duo simultaneously comments on science, social trends, government, and the British attitude to the weather.
JOBS. Sustainable Waterloo Region has two positions: Executive Director, due 14 June, and Regional Carbon Initiative Program Coordinator, due 12 June … Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, Swim Guide Beach Coordinator. Toronto, no due date … Centre d’écologie urbaine de Montréal, Conseiller/ère aux politiques publiques. Due 10 June … Zeidler Partnership, Marketing Coordinator. Calgary, no due date … Interim Executive Director, Shoresh Jewish Environmental Programs, Toronto, due 15 June.

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