Opinion poll shows strong support for green energy in Ontario


Solar panels in London, Ontario (Photo credit: London Public Library)

Ottawa – A new opinion poll commissioned by Friends of the Earth Canada shows overwhelming support for green energy in Ontario, and strong opposition to the World Trade Organization (WTO)’s meddling in buy local programs that create thousands of green jobs for Ontarians.

The survey conducted by Oraclepoll Research found that 83 percent of Ontarians believe it is important to have more renewable, green energy in Ontario to deal with climate change and help reduce record levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Only 11 percent of respondents believe that it is not important to take action.

The survey also found that there is strong opposition to the WTO’s recent challenge of Ontario’s buy local green energy policies.

Almost three-quarters of respondents feel that the WTO should not be able to override Ontario’s plans to encourage investment in green energy, while only 27 percent believe that it should.

“This opinion poll shows that there is overwhelming support for green energy in Ontario. This strong support should translate into action – governments should encourage the transition to solar and wind power to help reduce record levels of greenhouse gases,” says Beatrice Olivastri, CEO, Friends of the Earth Canada.




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