Beat the heat with the Ottawa Biosphere Eco-City Initiative

Ottawa river (Ottawa City, Ontario, Canada).
Image via Wikipedia

Beat the heat in a Biosphere EcoCity:

1. Ottawa BEC presents at the EcoCity World Summit in Montreal

Ottawa BEC has been approved to present a poster board at this year’s EcoCity World Summit in Montreal, August 22-26.  Having gained funding support from the Community Energy Network of Eastern Ontario (Thank you CEN!), the BEC Council will send two delegates to present our poster Board, network, and learn about sustainability.

To learn more about the summit, check out their website:

To learn more about the Community Energy Network, check out their website:

2. Introducing the Agricultural Biodiversity Network of Ottawa!

Following BEC’s Agricultural Biodiversity Workshop in April 2011, a new network of Agricultural Biodiversity enthusiasts has been struck to keep the momentum and conversations going.  This autonomous group is seeking more individuals in the Ottawa area to join.  Its next conference call will take place in October 2011 following World Food Day on October 16.  Send an email to for more information.

3. Ottawa BEC Initiative seeks Volunteers!

Interested in joining a diverse team of environmental enthusiasts?  Ottawa BEC is currently seeking individuals to join our Web Administration Team and our Database Administration Team.  Submit your covering letter and résumé

Check out the Database Administrator position description:

Check out the Web Administrator position description:

4. Upcoming Events in Ottawa

The Ottawa BEC Council is going on hiatus for the summer months, but there is lots going on in September!

Be sure to attend the 8th Ottawa Eco Fair, September 17 at the Carleton University Field House – 100 + exhibitors, 100 mile diet lunch, free admission. For more information, visit:

There will be a Ottawa BEC volunteer orientation session in early September.  Send an email to to get involved.

The next Council meeting will be late September.  Send an email to to get on the list of attendees.

Ottawa Biosphere Eco-City Initiative


Citizens and organizations of Ottawa will incorporate sustainability principles, practices and resiliency into their work and personal lives, sharing the lessons of these practices, and in so doing continue to enjoy a healthy, sustainable environment that supports a high quality of life, now and for future generations.


The Ottawa Biosphere Eco-city (BEC) Initiative, a broad-based, non-governmental collaborative community project, explores a large untapped area of decentralized projects and independent decision-making in the area of sustainability.  Coordinated by volunteers, it applies the Biosphere Eco-City model, designed to encourage citizen and stakeholder involvement in sustainability; local and international sharing of knowledge and experience.

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