Climate policies are good for employment, shows Pembina – GCNews #720

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720: 21 March 2011 – Published by Green Communities Canada

CASH BULB. EcoSuperior received a first cheque of $1000 from the proceeds of a fluorescent lights recycling program (10 cents for each light recycled). Up to 7000 lights are recycled every month. Seetelevision segment.

GREAT TURN OUT. Some 40 people attended the Green Infrastructure Training and Expert Consultation Workshop, a day of sustainability discussions aimed at promoting environmental renewal in urban centres, organized by Peterborough Green-Up, 8 March. This was “one of the largest turnouts in the province to date,” says Matt Higgs, Green -Up Communications Coordinator.

LAND STEWARDSHIP. Muskoka Stewardship Conference features more than 20 speakers presenting to landowners during eight concurrent sessions: water, land stewardship, research, strategies for rural or urban properties. Bracebridge, 30 April.

TIME TO VOTE. Community Environment Alliance is seeking support for the nomination of Ranjana Mitra, its Executive Director, as one of Canada’s Top Immigrants 2011. Among other accomplishments, Ranjana is the founder of CEA and Share IT Computer for Community program.

FOR HOME OWNERS. Energy and Heritage Buildings workshop addresses myths and polemics about energy efficiency. Takes place at REEP House, a century-old building, which for $50,000 worth of upgrading, achieved a 60% reduction in energy operating cost. Kitchener, 2-3 April.

AWARD. Professor Ray Dart, a long time chair at Peterborough Green-Up, will receive the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Excellence in Education Award for the Promotion of Sustainable Practices, 30 March.

PHOTO CONTEST. Perth County Greenworks is putting together a 2012 calendar in support of local sustainability. Photo contest open to anyone as long as photographs are taken within the boundaries of Perth County.

LOCAL PROCUREMENT. Équiterre’s conference, Localement vôtre en Mauricie , brought together hotels, restaurants, institutions and food producers. 15 March.

WORLD WATER DAY. Rideau Environmental Action League (REAL) organizes a tour of Smiths Falls new water treatment in honour of World Water Day. 22 March.

GREEN JOBS. Pembina Institute’s new report, Reducing Pollution, Creating Jobs: The effects of climate policies on employment, finds that Canada’s governments could create more jobs by implementing strong climate policies than by continuing with business as usual. “Renewable energy [and energy efficiency] is the pro-job (more labour intensive) choice, creating more direct jobs than fossil fuel alternatives [including carbon capture and storage]. The federal government’s economic stimulus funding for infrastructure could have created nearly three times as many jobs if it had been invested entirely in clean energy” … Germany created 300,000 jobs in 10 years with solar and renewable energy.

EVs. Ontario consumers are eligible for an incentive ranging from $5,000 to $8,500 towards the purchase or lease of a new plug-in hybrid electric or battery electric vehicle … Sales of EVs are slow, but it could only be a slow take-off, notes Triple Pundit contributor.

SUSTAINABLE DIET. Eco-farming could double food production in entire regions within 10 years while mitigating climate change, says new U.N. report …  Mark Bittman’s Food Manifesto for the Future: “Here are some ideas – frequently discussed, but sadly not yet implemented – that would make the growing, preparation and consumption of food healthier, saner, more productive, less damaging and more enduring” …  See Climate-Friendly Gardener Guide … Apartment farming: veggies, herbs and fruit togrow indoors … Movie Dive! looks at food waste.

WETLAND SUMMER CAMP. See Ducks Unlimited Canada’s Canadian Wetland Adventure Camp for 14- to 17-years-old. Complimentary airfare or transportation to 10 Canadian participants.

GREEN PEOPLE. Left-wing, white Torontonian pokes fun in at its own in Stuff White People Like: A Guide to the Unique Taste of Millions (blog and book).  See recyclingbicyclesfood co-opscamping … University of Calgary researchers observe how even mild human traffic (hiking, camping, biking ) alters the ecosystem.

JOBS. Environmental Defence Canada, Social Media Coordinator. Toronto, due 28 March … Waterloo Public Interest Research Group , Coordinator of Volunteers. Due 11 April … Ocean Wise Partner Relations Coordinator. Toronto, due 25 March.


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