The Canadian Environmental Health Atlas – CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS

The SSHRC-funded Canadian Environmental Health Atlas is aimed at producing a single coherent account of environmental health and public health practice in Canada and for raising environmental health awareness nationally. With this note we are asking if you can identify interesting work – whether your own or otherwise – that you can nominate to be part of this first-time collection.

We are seeking topics and case studies to fit into seven content themes: Air Quality, Water Quality, Climate, Built Environment, Environmental Contaminates, Rural and Remote Health Issues, and Social & Political Environments. The Atlas will present research at various scales (national, regional, and local) and be linked to specific health outcomes and public health practices important to Canadians.

The first chapter of the Atlas will explore the basics of environmental health and health mapping. Subsequent chapters will develop the themes noted above and contain maps of health relationships and specific case studies. Key environmental health concepts and terms will be explained throughout the Atlas.

We are seeking ideas about ongoing and past academic and public health projects as well as suggestions for other topics not yet listed. What do you think is important to include in Canada’s environmental health atlas? We are especially interested in projects that have a geographical and/or visual component.

The target audience for the final version of the project is anyone working at, or interested in, the intersection of environment and human health including the role of socioeconomic status. This includes municipal, provincial, and federal planners, decision-makers, policy-makers, health care providers, and public health departments.

Project authors include Drs. Kate Bassil (SFU), Mike Buzzelli (UWO), Bruce Lanphear (SFU) and Paul Peters (Statistics Canada). We expect to complete this project by December 2010. Please send your suggestions or contact the Project Coordinator, Hannah Moffatt, for more information.

Hannah Moffatt, BSc, MPH
Project Coordinator, The Canadian Environmental Health Atlas
Faculty of Health Sciences, SFU
Blusson Hall 10402
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC, Canada  V5A 1S6
Tel: 778-782-2017 Fax: 778.782.5927

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