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Published by NLEN.
Happy 2010, the UN-declared International Year of Biodiversity! This year will highlight the vital role that biodiversity plays in maintaining the life support system on Earth. If humans realize the centrality of biodiversity to our lives, perhaps then we will act to conserve it and use it sustainably and equitably.
1. Saturday & Sundays in Jan: ‘Life on Ice!’ at the Fluvarium
2. Wed Jan 13: Copenhagen Debriefing – Power, Politics & Civil Society (The Global Education Initiative Lecture Series)
3. Thurs Jan 14: The Impact of Canada’s Oil Sands on NL and You
4. Wed Jan 20: Introduction to Winter Camping
5. Jan 19, 21, 26, 28: Free RISK (Raising Insurance Skills & Knowledge) teleconference or webinar
6. Mon Jan 25 (St. John’s) / Mon Feb 1 (Corner Brook): Forum – Children’s Environmental Health in NL
7. Wed Jan 27: 2010 Volunteerism Luncheon
8. Thurs Fri. Jan 28/29: “Botanical Boot Camp” Winter Educators Workshop
9. Feb 10-12: Conference: Growing the Green Economy: Practical Solutions for Sustainable Communities (Ottawa)
10. Thurs Feb 18: NLEE (NL Environmental Educators) Connections Event, hosted by BPERC
11. Mar 25/26: Canadian Water: Towards a New Strategy Conference (Montreal)
12. First annual Canadian non-profit website survey (Deadline Jan 13)
13. Help stop soot in the Arctic
14. Wellness Coalition – Avalon East Community Grants Program (Deadline Jan 15th)
15. Seniors Community Recreation Grants (Deadline Jan 22nd)
16. Walmart-Evergreen Green Grants Program (Deadline Jan 29th)
17. Environmental Damages Fund (Deadline Feb 1st)
18. 2010 Toyota Earth Day Scholarships for University or College (Deadline Feb 28th)
19. 2010 International Young Eco-Hero Awards (Deadline Feb 28th)
20. Earth Day Canada – Every Day Heroes Film Competition (Deadline March 1st)
21. Alan Thomas Fellowship to Promote Civil Society and Voluntary Action (Deadline March 26th)
22. Do Something Grants (Ongoing, no deadline)
23. JOB: Community Garden Project Assistant, Corner Brook, full-time, EI eligible (Deadline Jan 15th)
24. JOB: YWCA Youth Eco-Internship (age 30 and under): MUN Botanical Garden, Environmental Education Intern (Deadline Jan 20th)
25. VOLUNTEER: East Coast Trail Association Board Members
26. Provincial Government News Releases
27. Environmental News & Commentary
28. Environment-related CBC Podcasts
29. New Report on Urban Transit in Canada
30. Report: Boreal Forests Likely Not to Adapt to Climate Change
31. Report: Does the Alberta Tar Sands Industry Pollute? The Scientific Evidence
32. Website, Eco-fact, Eco-quote of the Week
1. Saturday & Sundays in Jan: ‘Life on Ice!’ Fluvarium Kids Program 1:30 – 2:15pm. The Fluvarium, 5 Nagle’s Place. Take a closer look at how wetland animals react to icy winters. Learn about water in all three states: solid, liquid and gas – and how these states affect nature. This Fluvarium Kids program includes an outdoor activity (weather dependant), story and craft! Fluvarium Kids programs are complimentary with admission. Kids ages 5–10 and their families are invited to join Fluvarium Kids! Receive updates, collect stickers, and earn a Fluvarium Kids Fresh Water Friend certificate when you attend sessions in four different months! For more info, contact Denise at 754-3474 or dhennebury@fluvarium.ca
2. Wed Jan 13: Copenhagen Debriefing – Power, Politics & Civil Society (The Global Education Initiative Lecture Series) 7 – 9pm. Agnus Bruneau Lecture Hall (Engineering, rm 2006, MUN). This winter the Global Education Initiative will be hosting a lecture series to promote student, faculty and community awareness of global and social issues. The first topic in the series is the Environment, which we will address through a public forum that will de-brief the recent UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. While there was a lot of media coverage in Copenhagen, the main messages received were often confusing. This event promises to delve deeper than the typical news network and will challenge the audience to keep thinking about our planet’s future. The event will feature Michelle Slaney, Advisory to the Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy, and a number of local guests. Everyone is welcome!
3. Thurs Jan 14: The Impact of Canada’s Oil Sands on NL and You 7:30pm. Engineering rm2006, MUN. Marcel Coutu, CEO of Canadian Oil Sands and Chair of the Board of Syncrude, Canada’s largest oil sands mining operation, will provide an update on recent developments in the oil sands, including what the industry is doing to improve its environmental performance. The intent is for a frank dialogue and the audience will have a chance to ask questions and express concerns. Reception to follow; admission is free and all are welcome. Parking is available in Lot 16. This talk is part of ‘Speaking of Engineering’ and is hosted by the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at MUN and the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of NL.
4. Wed Jan 20: Introduction to Winter Camping 7pm. First floor, A.C. Hunter Library, St. John’s. A free information session: ‘Introduction to Winter Camping: it’s easier than you think!’ Hosted by outdoor enthusiast, Alan Goodridge. Register at 737-3950.
5. Jan 19, 21, 26, 28: Free RISK (Raising Insurance Skills & Knowledge) teleconference or webinar Start the New Year by becoming a wiser consumer of insurance for your community-based group. Join the Community Services Council NL for a free teleconference or webinar. Learn about risk assessment and the types of insurance available including Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability insurance and how it differs from Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance. Pick one of four sessions offered:
· Teleconference: Tues Jan 19, 7-8pm OR Thurs Jan 21, 12-1pm
· Webinar: Tues Jan 26, 4-5pm OR Thurs Jan 28, 1-2pm
Register online (http://events.envision.ca/risksessions) or call Jodi toll-free at 1-866-753-9860 or email jodimccormack@csc.nf.net. (DEADLINE to register: Jan 15th.)
6. Mon Jan 25 (St. John’s) / Mon Feb 1 (Corner Brook): Forum – Children’s Environmental Health in NL 9:30am – 4pm (registration/coffee 9:00-9:30am). Jan 25, The Lantern, 35 Barnes Rd., St. John’s; Feb 1, Rec Plex RP-104, Grenfell College, Corner Brook. With funding support from Health Canada, the intent of this forum is to explore critical provincial issues related to Children’s Environmental Health. The focus is to ensure a healthy environment for the children of NL through working collaboratively to reduce children’s exposure to environmental contaminants (for example, pesticides, lead, arsenic, other heavy metals, mold, radon, tobacco smoke, wood smoke, ultraviolet radiation, asbestos, various air pollutants, electromagnetic fields, food additives/preservatives/hormones, a range of toxic substances in consumer products, etc.)
We hope to include representatives from h
ealth & environmental NGOs, different levels of government, researchers, and a variety of professionals who work in healthcare and with children. The goal is to identify priority areas and formulate an action plan to move ahead with an ongoing working group/coalition that will address matters of public education, research, and policy & legislation. This forum will be an opportunity for learning & relationship building. Cost $15, lunch included. Please pre-register: email nlen.ed@gmail.com or tel. 753-7898.
7. Wed Jan 27: 2010 Volunteerism Luncheon Noon, The Battery Hotel, Signal Hill. Sponsored by the Community Services Council NL. Guest speakers: Lieutenant Governor of NL, His Honour John Crosbie and the Honourable Dave Denine, Minister Responsible for the Volunteer and Non-Profit Sector. Tickets $20. Deadline for registration is Jan 20th, 5pm, but book soon as seats fill up fast. Contact Jodi at 753-9860 or register online athttp://events.envision.ca/en/volunteerluncheon
8. Thurs, Fri. Jan 28/29: “Botanical Boot Camp” Winter Educators Workshop 9am – 4pm, MUN Botanical Garden, 306 Mount Scio Rd. An activity-based introduction to Newfoundland plants, ecology and conservation, aimed at educators, community groups, etc, this workshop is offered in conjunction with the >From Garden to Classroom Outreach Program, which is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) PromoScience funding program. Activities will include: Get Growing in the Greenhouse (seed and plant propagation); Winter Woods Walks; Vermicomposting; Grocery Store Botany; Newfoundland Trees and Shrubs; Basic Botany; Terrariums and Container Gardens; Going Green – From Workshops to Workplaces; plus information on such environmental stewardship monitoring programs as PlantWatch, and Invasive Alien Species. Registration is free. Space is limited. To register, please e-mail your name, affiliation and full contact information to: Anne Madden, Education Coordinator, MUN Botanical Garden, E-mail: amadden@mun.ca / Telephone: 737-8590
9. Feb 10-12: Conference: Growing the Green Economy: Practical Solutions for Sustainable Communities (Ottawa) The Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Sustainable Communities Conference and Trade Show is the event in Canada for municipal leaders, decision makers and experts to exchange ideas and solutions towards creating a stronger and more sustainable community development. From February 10-12, 2010, in Ottawa, delegates can attend interactive and capacity-building workshops, sharing knowledge with their peers and keynote speakers about topics ranging from water conservation to green development policies. The conference trade show will feature exhibitors displaying the latest technologies and services related to sustainable community development. Visit http://www.fcm.ca/ for more information.
10. Thurs Feb 18: NLEE (NL Environmental Educators) Connections Event, hosted by BPERC 3 – 5PM, Lake Academy in Fortune. The Burin Peninsula Environmental Reform Committee would like to invite any person who plays a role in education within the Burin Peninsula to participate. The purpose of the event is to bring together educators of all kinds who wish to incorporate aspects of environmental education into their teachings. The event will focus on information sharing and networking. (We are currently making plans for a second event as well; details TBA.) For more information, contact Sam atsam@greenburin.ca
11. Mar 25/26: Canadian Water: Towards a New Strategy Conference (Montreal) Registration is now open. Find info on the preliminary program and how to register athttp://www.mcgill.ca/water2010/
12. First annual Canadian non-profit website survey (Deadline Jan 13)
The goals are to paint a picture of the state of non-profit websites in Canada in order to generate interest with potential donors and the public. Additionally, we will be giving all respondents a full report to help them quantify how their web presence measures up in various areas, including: functionality, cost-effectiveness, contact-list building, revenues, and many other elements. The survey has 21 questions and takes less than 15 minutes to complete; all types and sizes of non-profits are needed to answer the survey for it to be a success; no identifying information will be shared with anyone. Go to: http://www.openwebgroup.ca/survey.
13. Help stop soot in the Arctic
Soot, also known as black carbon, is the second-leading cause of global warming after carbon dioxide, and it’s totally preventable. We already have the technology to avoid producing it; now it’s just a matter of using it and of financing technology transfer abroad. Let Stephen Harper know that reducing black carbon pollution is a climate change solution that Canada can and should take the lead on. Watch a video, learn more, and do your part at: www.stopsoot.ca
14. Wellness Coalition – Avalon East Community Grants Program (Deadline Jan 15th) This fund is open to members of the coalition with awards available up to $1000. The purpose is to promote wellness in the region and foster partnerships among community groups. Priority areas include: Healthy Environments, Healthy Living, Child & Youth Development, etc. To keep some consistency with the other wellness coalitions in the province we are using a new application form. Groups MUST use this new application form, available at http://www.wellnesscoalition-avaloneast.ca/forms/grantapp.pdf. Applications completed on old forms will not be accepted. Questions? call or e-mail Heather: 752-4912 or heather.powell@easternhealth.ca
15. Seniors’ Community Recreation Grants (Deadline Jan 22nd) This is a new grant program, announced in Budget 2009, that looks to assist recreation committees/commissions and municipal councils in providing programs and services designed to increase physical activity amongst the province’s senior population. Under the Seniors’ Recreation Grants Program, successful applicants will receive up to $5,000 to assist in the delivery of new, or enhanced, recreational programs and services that demonstrate increased physical and social/leisure activity. Details on the criteria for the program can be viewed at: Seniors’ Recreation Grants Program – www.tcr.gov.nl.ca/tcr/formsandApplications/ Contact Dave Feener, Dept. of Tourism, Culture & Recreation at (709) 729-6291 or DFeener@mail.gov.nl.ca.
16. Walmart-Evergreen Green Grants Program (Deadline Jan 29th) The Green Grants program provides funds of up to $10,000 to local groups working on urban naturalization projects that use native plants to restore and steward woodlands, meadows, wetlands and ravines. This grant program also supports community food gardening projects on publicly accessible lands. Find application form and guide athttp://www.evergreen.ca/en/cg/cg-funding.html#walmart
17. Environmental Damages Fund (Deadline Feb 1st) Environment Canada is currently accepting applications for EDF funding. In NL, the following funds are available: $38,300 for restoration of the Exploits River; $30,000 for offshore restoratio
n or pollution prevention projects; $16,200 for projects in the Greater St. John’s Watershed (More info, application guide & forms at http://www.ec.gc.ca/edf-fde/default.asp?lang=En&n=DAE95208-1) It is recommended that you discuss your project idea before submitting a funding application; please contact Heather Gordon: Heather.Gordon@ec.gc.ca / tel (902) 426-3716.
18. 2010 International Young Eco-Hero Awards (Deadline Feb 28th) Action for Nature will award cash prizes of $500 to young people between the ages of 8 – 16 whose personal actions have significantly improved the environment. The goal is to celebrate these accomplishments and inspire others to preserve and protect the Earth. For the guidelines & application form, go to: http://www.actionfornature.org/eco-hero/ecoheroawards.html
19. 2010 Toyota Earth Day Scholarships for University or College (Deadline Feb 28th) Are you or someone you know graduating high school and engaged in environmental activities? Then you may be eligible for one of twenty $5000 scholarships through the Toyota Earth Day Scholarship Program! These will be awarded to students across Canada who have distinguished themselves through environmental community service, extracurricular and volunteer activities, and academic excellence. The application and more information is available online at www.earthday.ca/scholarship.
20. Earth Day Canada – Every Day Heroes Film Competition (Deadline March 1st) All filmmakers, young and old, established and aspiring, are invited to submit 90-second silent videos. Enthusiastic, remarkable, inspiring: these are just a few words that describe the individuals and groups across Canada that are doing amazing things to reduce their impact on the environment in large and small ways. They’re every day heroes whose stories need to be told. Prizes will be awarded in three categories: Best of ‘Under 18’ years of age—13 inch MacBook Pro; Best of ‘Over 18’ years of age—13 inch MacBook Pro; Best of Competition—Two economy airline tickets to any destination in North America with two nights hotel accommodation and two tickets to the Earth Day Canada Gala, including travel to Toronto and hotel accommodation for the nights of June 8th and 9th, 2010. Inspire Canada this Earth Day: tell the story of dedication to support a healthier environment. The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2010. Visit www.earthday.ca/film for more details and submission form.
21. Alan Thomas Fellowship to Promote Civil Society and Voluntary Action (Deadline March 26th) The Carold Institute is pleased to announce the call for applications for the 2010 Alan Thomas Fellowship to Promote Civil Society and Voluntary Action. This initiative is aimed at strengthening leadership for civil society and promoting greater understanding of the significance of voluntary action. The Fellowship will again be awarded in 2010 to a leader in the NGO/non-profit sector who would not normally have access to a sabbatical leave. Valued at a maximum amount of $60,000 for up to one year, the award is intended to allow the recipient to make a significant contribution to the sector, through research and reflection, leading to possible publication, or dissemination in another medium. See http://www.carold.ca/www/home/alan-thomas-fellowship
22. Do Something Grants (Ongoing, no deadline) Did you recently create a sustainable community action project, program or organization or have a great idea for helping your community? Do you need $500 to further the growth and success of your program or turn your idea into reality? If you answered, “YES!”, you are eligible to apply for a Do Something Grant. Grants are for $500 and are available to any youth in the U.S. or Canada, 25 or under, who has a great idea for a community action project. One is given out per week; it takes 2 to 3 months to hear back. See more at:
23. JOB: Community Garden Project Assistant, full-time, EI eligible (Deadline Jan 15th) The Western Environment Centre in Corner Brook has received funding from the Community Enhancement Employment Program. We are hiring one assistant to help organize a Community Garden, start date ASAP
The candidate can be employed for a maximum of 420 hours, less any insurable hours of employment already earned during the current year for the purpose of EI benefits. Individuals must qualify for EI by the end of the project. Further information regarding EI eligibility is available from Service Canada. This position pays $9.50/hr. Job description: assist the project coordinator with setting up a local community garden. This may involve getting quotes, writing proposals, distributing posters, conducting surveys, designing signs, etc. Desired skills: independent worker, good verbal and written communication skills, research skills, interest in gardening. For more information or to apply please contact us at 640-1605 or emailinfo@wecnl.ca
24. JOB: YWCA Youth Eco-Internship (age 30 and under): MUN Botanical Garden,Environmental Education Intern (Deadline Jan 20th) Four-month position beginning January 25 (or later); $12/hr, 35 hrs/wk. Working under the supervision of the education coordinator, the successful applicant will assist Botanical Garden education staff in the planning, development, and establishment of environmental education programs for a broad range of audiences. Duties will include presenting programs, maintaining natural history and gardening exhibits; caring for live animals & plants, etc. Requirements: Graduation from high school; excellent oral and written communication skills, including public speaking experience; some experience (including education, volunteer work, employment, etc.) in the following areas: environmental education, environmental science, botany, ecology, horticulture; computer skills; experience working with youth and possession of a valid Province of Newfoundland and Labrador driver’s license are assets. Note: the successful applicant will be required to produce an RNC code of conduct. To apply: fill in application at www.yeip.ca and indicate your interest in working with MUN Botanical Garden. For more information about MUN Botanical Garden, including this position, please contact: Anne Madden, education coordinator, amadden@mun.caor visit www.mun.ca/botgarden
25. VOLUNTEER: Board members for the East Coast Trail Association The East Coast Trail Association has 4 vacancies on their Board that they would like to fill as soon as possible, including one general board position, and three positions with specific focuses: finance & administration, revenue, and marketing & communication. If you are interested, please contact the President of the ECTA, Randy Murphy at 754-1953. (www.eastcoasttrail.com)
Jan 7: 2010 Pre-budget consultations set to begin http://www.releases.gov.nl.ca/releases/2010/fin/0107n04.htm
Jan 6: Environmental Assessment Bulletin – Elross Lake Area Iron Ore Minehttp://www.releases.gov.nl.ca/rele
Dec 30: Research on the rise in province’s Protected Areas http://www.releases.gov.nl.ca/releases/2009/env/1230n02.htm
Dec 30: Province boosts innovative technology in water resources managementhttp://www.releases.gov.nl.ca/releases/2009/env/1230n04.htm
Dec 30: Environmental Assessment Bulletin – Southwest River, St. George’s Quarryhttp://www.releases.gov.nl.ca/releases/2009/env/1230n07.htm
Copenhagen: A look back at the most striking narratives http://www.grist.org/article/2009-12-21-copenhagen-a-look-back-at-the-most-striking-narratives
Time for a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth http://www.huffingtonpost.com/pablo-erick-solon-romero-oroza/why-even-a-successful-agr_b_406547.html
Pesticides loom large in animal die-offs http://www.grist.org/article/pesticides-loom-large-in-animal-die-offs
NL & Canada
Comment from the Mayor of Buchans on mine tailings http://whitehorsestar.com/archive/print/32944/
Canada facing legal challenge for breaking federal global warming lawhttp://www.foecanada.org/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=399&Itemid=2
Canada signs Copenhagen pact http://www.montrealgazette.com/technology/Canada+signs+Copenhagen+pact/2418235/story.html
PetroChina oil sands application approved http://www.globe-net.com/articles/2009/december/29/petrochina-oil-sands-application-approved.aspx
Elizabeth May: Executing the green master plan http://www.rabble.ca/news/2010/01/elizabeth-may-interview
Imagine a brighter 21st century http://www.davidsuzuki.org/about_us/Dr_David_Suzuki/Article_Archives/weekly01081001.asp
Ottawa orders study into environmental, health effects of making renewable fuelshttp://www.google.com/hostednews/canadianpress/article/ALeqM5iK6dGo9A5A92hdNEIM2u0qA8xlrQ
NS wants input on possible pesticide ban http://thechronicleherald.ca/Front/9014722.html
We have food issues http://www.ottawacitizen.com/opinion/have+food+issues/2414692/story.html
D’oh: Embarrassed Canada zaps thousands of websites in response to Yes Men hoaxhttp://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/01/doh_embarrassed_canada_zaps_thousands_of_web_sites.php?ref=mp
Planet in peril: Poll http://www.torontosun.com/news/canada/2010/01/04/12337176-sun.html
Radio Noon http://www.cbc.ca/podcasting/pastpodcasts.html?53#ref53
Jan 7: CROSSTALK – Proroguing parliament
NL Labrador Morning Show http://www.cbc.ca/podcasting/pastpodcasts.html?53#ref31
Jan 5: Mild Labrador weather; The Labrador Institute looks at the myth of the Polar Bear in the Rock; A look at the difficulty of buying fuel for wood pellet stoves in Labrador; Annual Labrador bird count
Jan 4: Lower Churchill Hydro Development Project facing Innu hurdle
NL St. John’s Morning Show http://www.cbc.ca/podcasting/pastpodcasts.html?31#ref38
Jan 8: No charge for Dominion plastic bags; Keeping worms fresh
Jan 7: Engineers without borders; Offshore oil update
Jan 6: Holyrood water concerns; Coyotes on the rise
NL West Coast Morning Show http://www.cbc.ca/podcasting/pastpodcasts.html?62#ref62
Jan 7: Moose management; Garbage incinerators
Jan 4: Ice monitoring on the Humber River
29. New Report on Urban Transit in Canada The Council of Ministers of Transportation has released the report of an intergovernmental task force on urban transportation entitled “Urban Transit in Canada: Taking Stock of Recent Progress.” The report highlights trends and challenges in transit, summarizes the status of transit funding in provinces, and describes significant funding commitments made by the federal government to the sector. Investment in transit has increased by 60% over 2005 levels. The report identifies many positive economic, social, and environmental impacts resulting from recent investments and notes that much has been accomplished, though more remains to be done. The report is now available on-line at:http://www.comt.ca
30. Report: Boreal Forests Likely Not to Adapt to Climate Change The world’s boreal forests will likely not be able to respond to global warming by migrating northwards states a new study based on a review of recent scientific literature. The study, published by the Swedish Air Pollution and Climate Secretariat, in cooperation with the Taiga Rescue Network, asserts that massive forest dieback is a more likely scenario. Even at moderate levels of warming, extensive decline can be expected in forests and woods. If global warming exceeds 2 degrees Celsius vast areas of boreal forest may be transformed into open woodland or grassland. Read the report “Boreal Forest and Climate Change” by Roger Olsson: http://www.airclim.org/reports/documents/APC23_borealforest.pdf
31. Report: Does the Alberta Tar Sands Industry Pollute? The Scientific Evidence This new research paper finds that: present levels of some contaminants pose an ecosystem or human health risk, the effects of which deserve immediate and systematic study; a projected tripling of tar sands activities over the next decade may result in unacceptably large and unforeseen impacts to biodiversity, ecosystem function, and public health; the attention of the world’s scientific community is urgently needed. Click here to see the backgrounder.http://www.globalforestwatch.ca/climateandforests/TarsandsPollute/Timoney_Lee_2009_Backgrounder.pdf
Click here to view/download the research paper (PDF, 0.4 MB).http://www.globalforestwatch.ca/climateandforests/TarsandsPollute/Timoney_and_Lee_
32. Eco-fact: “More than 580,000 km of steel pipeline crosses Canada, shipping approximately 2.65 million barrels of crude oil and equivalent per day travel and 17.1 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day. The pipeline systems are the economic lifeline of oil and gas producers selling their product to markets at home, but mostly abroad, and are heavily regulated by federal and provincial agencies.” ~ http://www.kelowna.com/2010/01/06/pipeline-companies-experiencing-building-boom/
Eco-Quote: “One of the things that I’ve felt very strongly about during the course of this year is that hard stuff requires not paralysis but it requires going ahead and making the best of the situation that you’re in at this point, and then continually trying to improve and make progress from there.” – President Barack Obama, before leaving Copenhagen after the climate negotiations
The E-Update Instructions
The E-Update shares information on environmental events, actions, opportunities (job, volunteer, funding), and news. Please send notices to nlen.ed@gmail.com by noon on Fridays.
More about NLEN
The NLEN is a non-profit, non-advocacy, member-based organization that currently serves 50 groups throughout the province. NLEN member groups are all not-for-profit and operate to conserve, protect & restore our ecosystems through action, education, & stewardship. In addition to facilitating member capacity-building and communication, NLEN serves as a point of contact for government, media and the public on environmental issues. We also organize coalition/working groups on a range of issues, and host a variety of public education events.
Web: www.nlen.ca; Email: nlen.ed@gmail.com; Tel: 709.753.7898; Fax 709.726.2764
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