Local Cuisine, Ecollectuals Panel, and Trendy Transit – GC News #663

663: 11 January 2010 Published by Green Communities Canada.

NEW E-STAFF MEMBER. Doug Tilley will be Green Communities Canada’s new E-Learning Development Coordinator, thanks to a YMCA eco-internship. Doug will research, identify needs, and deliver e-learning opportunities for GCC staff and members and the Green IT Collaborative. Doug has a BA in English from Memorial University of Newfoundland, and has been working in the technology and coordination field for the past five years.

LAND PROTECTION. Muskoka Heritage Foundation received $62,000 over one year from Ontario Trillium Foundation to develop a master stewardship program. A project coordinator will be hired to work with volunteer Master Stewards to contact landowners and help them protect the natural values of their property.

BAG FUND-RAISING. The local Body Shop store is presenting Peterborough Green-Up with proceeds raised from the sale of shopping bags (five cents per bag). 12 January.

LOCAL CUISINE. EcoSource‘s Youth and Local Food Program aims at increasing the amount of local foods served in  schools (Peel Region)… A  culinary arts challenge showcased aspiring young chefs cooking with Ontario Greenbelt-grown ingredients only … The Go Ontario! granola bar contains 100% Ontario ingredients … Transition Town Peterborough presents documentary Food Matters, followed by discussion. See Trailer. 20 January … Guelph Organic Conference: Our Canadian Organic Identity: Expo & Tasting Fair. 28-31 January.

HEALTHY RETROFITS. A two-year project will document the current state of knowledge about child health impacts of energy efficient retrofits, and existing responses. The Trillium funded project is being conducted by the Canadian Environmental Law Association and the Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment. See: job posting for one-year home office contract to prepare a baseline report.

EFFICIENCY. President Obama proposes a $5 billion Cash for Caulkers incentive program that would provide 52 direct jobs and 23 indirect ones for every million dollars invested … Condo developers have embraced LEED certification in the GTA, says Toronto Star article.

AIR QUALITY. Upwind Downwind Conference Air Knows No Boundaries: transboundary air quality, health, climate change, future energy. Hamilton, 21-22 February.

ECOLLECTUALS PANEL. Will Ecology Dominate The 21st Century? Event  features University of Waterloo Thomas Homer-Dixon and Robert Gibson, and Trent University’s Stephen Bocking. Waterloo. 12 January. 

TRENDY TRANSIT. Council of Ministers of Transportation report on urban transportation highlights trends and challenges in transit, summarizes the status of transit funding in provinces, and describes funding commitments made by the federal government to the sector.

TAKE A BREAK. Alan Thomas Fellowship to Promote Civil Society and Voluntary Action is awarded annually to senior leaders in the NGO sector to provide for a period of reflection and an opportunity to share the fruits of their experience and knowledge more widely. Valued at a up to $60,000 for up to one year. Due 26 March.

OLYMPIC TREES. Preparing the Trail 2010, a national tree planting program, draws attention to environmental topics and raises money for Canadian Olympic athletes. Athletes and community supporters will plant thousands of trees across the country.  See Tree Adoption program.

ENVIRO FUND AND FUN. Earth Day Canada Community Environment Fund provides Ontario schools, not-for-profits and volunteer groups with up to $20,000 in financial support for local environmental initiatives. Due 28 February … Out to Learn is a public/private partnership delivering educational programs such as Naturally Kids Discovery Day Camp … Young and old filmmakers can submit a 90-second silent videos to the Every Day Heroes Film Competition. Finalists’ videos screened in shopping malls,Toronto subway platforms. Due 1 March.

ECO-SCHOOL. Designed to be the most environmentally friendly school in Canada, the Dr. David Suzuki Public School features a green roof, grey water recycling system and solar and geothermal heating … Join David Suzuki on Facebook.

JOBS. Inner City Development, General Manager. Winnipeg, due 22 January … Canadian Mental Health Association-Ontario, Program Developer/Eating Well for Mental Health Project . Toronto, due 15 January.

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