Green Communities News – GCNews #621

621: 2 March 2009

NEW NAME. Green Communities Canada’s Active & Safe Routes to School program has simplified its French name from Aller-retour actif et sécuritaire pour l’école (ARASPÉ) to Écoliers actifs et en sécurité (EAS) . See new website.

STUDENT COMPETITION. Equiterre’s competition of integrated design for a green building is open to architecture, engineering, design, environment, and urbanism students. Registration 13 March.

ECODRIVING. EcoDriver delivery agents are offering Lunch n’ Learn workshops to business and city employees throughout the GTA in collaboration with Smart Commute. Community Environmental Alliance, Toronto Green Community and Durham Sustain Ability are new partners.

SYNDICATION. GCNews is being posted weekly by The Green Pages – (Sustainable Communities). The site provides "a web-based network where Canadian organizations and community groups can voice their opinions, share information and maintain valuable connections with like-minded people."

GREEN MAJORITY. Up to 75% of Canadians say we should only adopt stimulus measures that are environmentally sustainable, and 64% think development of Alberta’s oil sands should be halted until a clean method can be found, shows recent poll.

ECOBUSINESS. Toronto Greenhouse organizes a monthly networking event that brings together green entrepreneurs and investors. Launch 31 March.

POWER OF GREEN. Faith Communities: Catalysts for Community Action event shows how to reduce the carbon footprint of religious buildings and fight climate change. Toronto, 7 March.

RETROFIT CONTEST. Zerofootprint Building Re-Skinning Competition aims to focus the world’s best architectural and technical minds to retrofit built spaces in Ontario.

TRAINING. City Green Solutions and UBC’s Getting to Green: Energy Efficient and Sustainable Housingcourse is designed for real estate professionals. Self-study or webinar format. Starts 1 May … Durham College (Ontario) offers an Energy Audit Techniques course.

DOWNSIZING. Blue Avocado devotes an issue to lay-offs in the nonprofit sector.

DISINFORMATION. Greenwash Brigade scrutinizes companies, governments and other groups and awards Greenwashes of the YearChristopher Booker Prize ‘honours’ journalists’ ability to report falsehoods on environmental issues. 2009 prize contender included 18 misleading statements about climate change in a column of 486 words.

BISPHENOL A CONTAMINATION. People are being exposed to estrogen-mimicking chemical bisphenol A from products such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water pipes and carbonless cash-register receipts, and not just food, suggests new research.

PACKAGING. Interested organizations and individuals are invited to comment on Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment’s study, Towards a Proposed Canada-wide Action Strategy for Sustainable Packaging. Before 31 March.

FOOD REFLEXIONS. The theme of this year’s international Meatout Day is Change Your Diet – Change the World! 20 March … Photo exhibition, based on book Hungry Planet, shows the difference between what 25 families around the world eat over an entire week. Until 3 May, Montreal.

ECO-EDUCATORS. 5th World Environmental Education Congress features international socio-scientific experts. Intended for anyone involved in environmental education. Montréal, 10-14 May.

CONTESTS. Tell EcoAction Teams 2009 Storytelling Contest how you lessened your impact on the environment and be eligible for prizes. Due 22 March …

JOBS. Conservation Corps of Newfoundland, Regional Supervisors/Green Team Program (six positions). Due 13 March … EcoSource, Youth and Local Food Program Manager. Mississauga, due 13 March …Toronto Atmospheric Fund, Program Manager. Due 16 March … Ontario EcoSchools, EcoSchools Certification Auditors. Toronto, due 16 March.

Published by Green Communities Canada

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