By Worldchanging executive editor Alex Steffen.
Here’s a great interview with Worldchanging Canada blogger (and SF writer) Karl Schroeder:
EcoGeek: What new technologies do you think have the potential for the greatest positive impact on the environment?
Karl Schroeder: I like to play a little game called ‘if I had a billion dollars’ (with a nod to the Barenaked Ladies’ song). If I did, I’d drop $200 million on Bussard (I’m sure he’d enjoy that); $200 million on kickstarting a vertical farming industry, the same on ocean iron-fertilization studies, another chunk on developing an agrichar infrastructure, and the rest on various projects that can’t get funding because they have a low probability of success, but massive payoff if they do work. –Which is precisely where our investment should be flowing right now, because we don’t have time for incremental development to solve the climate crisis. We need miracles, and those don’t come from slow, safe R&D projects…