Prescription for a Healthy Canada – David Suzuki Foundation

Prescription for a Healthy CanadaWhile most developed countries have adopted national health and environment strategies, Canada has not.

Prescription for a Healthy Canada

calls on the federal government, in collaboration with the provinces
and territories, to adopt a national environmental health strategy for

Each year, millions of Canadians become ill or disabled
after being exposed to environmental contaminants linked to asthma,
gastrointestinal illness, poisonings, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease,
Parkinson’s disease, developmental disorders, birth defects, and
reproductive problems.

Unlike the U.S., Australia, and the
European Union, Canada lacks both a national program to monitor
children’s exposures to environmental contaminants, and a national
system to track diseases and deaths caused by environmental

The recommendations in Prescription for a Healthy Canada
for reducing air pollution, protecting water quality, improving food
safety, addressing threats posed by consumer products, and banning the
most hazardous substances currently being used will put Canada in step
with world leaders in environmental health.

Download Summary for Decision Makers:
English (PDF 3MB)  |  Français (PDF 3MB) <30 Pages>

Download Executive Summary Only:
English (PDF 2.55MB)  |  Français (PDF 2.57MB) <4 Pages>

Download Full Research Document:
English (PDF 11.8MB)  |  <152 Pages>

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