Going Green

Driving.ca has a section research section about the latest fuel efficient and environment-friendly vehicles. There is also a “Eco-driving news” section, Featured eco-vehicles, and vehicle comparisons.


One thought on “Going Green

  1. I find it quite ironic that the very same people (Canadian politicians Liberal, NDP) who are preaching about going green offer no incentive to doing just that. While I am certainly not a tree hugger in the typical sense I am EXTREMEY disenfranchised by the utility companies and their exponentially increasing greed. I feel fairly confident that the politicians are in bed, metaphorically speaking of course, with the utility companies. They truly have NO interest in reducing pollution but since it is a trendy thing to support why not! I know this to be true because there is very little offered for the green products. Where is the FREE information on how to build your own wind or solar power systems? Why are the hybrid cars so expensive? Or electric cars not available in Canada yet they are manufactured right here? I personally care about the planet but I am not fanatical about it. I need an ROI. Solar, wind, geothermal are all well and good but the ROI is just not there. To those of you that have the power to implement some change regarding funding, PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS! Google “Who Killed The Electric Car”?

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