Broken Links

Ahh yes, those darn broken URL links. Just when you think you have found what you are looking for, and you are ready to proclaim your glory and satisfaction, you get the dreaded 404 error or the organization says that this page has moved or is no longer available.
We hate when that happens too. Unfortunately, that is the nature of the world wide web. Here are some tips on how you can find the article again….

1. Google it.

Copy and paste the title into good ‘ol Google (ignore the search results that links back to our web site).

2. Contacting the originating organization

Here is an example:
Look at the root URL address (….), the article originated from the CBC web site. Contact CBC and ask them if they could retrieve the article for you. Better yet give them the article title and brief description that we have clipped for you.

Finally, if you found the correct URL link again, let us know by posting a comment on the entry page of the article. We and our network would gladly appreciate it!

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