The Great Lakes are the largest collection of fresh surface water on earth, and more than 40 million Americans and Canadians live in their basin. Will we divert water from the Great Lakes, causing them to end up like Central Asia’s Aral Sea, which has lost 90 percent of its surface area and 75 percent of its volume since 1960? Or will we come to see that unregulated water withdrawals are ultimately catastrophic?
[Publisher Comments]
Peter Annin writes a fast-paced account of the people and stories behind these upcoming battles. Destined to be the definitive story for the general public as well as policymakers, The Great Lakes Water Warsis a balanced, comprehensive look behind the scenes at the conflicts and compromises that are the past-and future-of this unique resource.
Author’s Note Prologue Part I – Hope & Hopelessness 1. To Have and Have Not The Great Lakes and the global water picture 2. The Aral Experiment Are there lessons that the Great Lakes can learn from the Aral Sea’s desiccation? 3. Rising Temperatures, Falling Water? Impacts of climate change on the Great Lakes watershed 4. A History of Desire Diversion fears prompt protective measures in the Great Lakes region Part II – Battle Lines & Skirmishes 5. Reversing a River The conflicted history of the Chicago River diversion 6. Long Lac & Ogoki Two large diversions into the Great Lakes affect the entire Basin 7. Pleasing Pleasant Prairie A Wisconsin town’s diversion permit prompts lingering questions 8. Sacrificing Lowell An Indiana community’s request for Great Lakes water is denied 9. Tapping Mud Creek A consumptive use case tests the Great Lakes Charter 10. Akron Gets the Nod An Ohio town gets Great Lakes water and controversy follows Part III – New Rules of Engagement 11. The Nova Group & Annex 2001 An export idea sparks calls for more water controls 12. Marching Toward A Compact Pulling together a modern, binding water management accord 13. Waukesha Worries A Wisconsin suburb emerges as the next diversion battleground 14. Who’ll Win the War? How future Great Lakes water tensions will be resolved Epilogue: The Water Awakening
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