A proud day for Canada: Nahanni becomes one of world’s greatest parks

A proud day for Canada: Nahanni becomes one of world’s greatest parks

Ottawa – The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) is celebrating the historic announcement today by Environment Minister Jim Prentice and DehCho First Nations Grand Chief Gerald Antoine of the final boundaries for the greatly expanded Nahanni National Park Reserve in the Northwest Territories. Continue reading A proud day for Canada: Nahanni becomes one of world’s greatest parks

CPAWS welcomes next step in protecting Nahanni watershed

Ottawa – CPAWS welcomes today’s announcement by Environment Minister John Baird that lands comprising the headwaters of the Nahanni River in the Northwest Territories have been temporarily protected to enable the creation of a new national park, to be called Nááts’ihch’oh [pronounced naah-tseen-CHO]. Continue reading CPAWS welcomes next step in protecting Nahanni watershed