Film: Beyond Climate
Beyond Climate (www.beyondclimate.ca) takes audiences on an exhilarating journey beyond the headlines, straight into the core of the most pressing … Continue reading Film: Beyond Climate
Beyond Climate (www.beyondclimate.ca) takes audiences on an exhilarating journey beyond the headlines, straight into the core of the most pressing … Continue reading Film: Beyond Climate
Talk Climate to Me, powered by Project Neutral, is returning this fall. This program is a fun, free, inclusive, online, … Continue reading Talk Climate to Me by Project Neutral
Brought to you by Efficiency Canada, the Provincial Energy Efficiency Scorecard is provides a comprehensive benchmark of provincial and territorial … Continue reading Provincial Energy Efficiency Scorecard
A collection of stories that offers a comprehensive look at where Canada currently stands, what could be done to address … Continue reading The climate crisis: These are Canada’s worst-case scenarios – Macleans.ca
New report offers the first independent assessment of BC’s Climate Leadership Plan after the federal government’s recently announced carbon price schedule. Continue reading BC government has massive gap to reach carbon pollution targets
Environmental Commissioner of Ontario praises the new climate law, but warns of tough road ahead. Continue reading Turning Ontario’s climate targets into reality
While Alberta, Ontario and Quebec move forward, BC’s carbon emissions are rising. Continue reading BC lags behind other provinces on climate action
In an open letter to BC Premier Christy Clark, businesses and conservation groups argue that reducing carbon will benefit the economy. Continue reading BC businesses join call for a stronger carbon tax
The #SeaLevelUprising art project sends message to leaders during First Ministers’ Meeting. Continue reading Art installation on Vancouver seawall calls out Canada’s climate inaction
Legislation coming into force on January 1 allows BC’s greenhouse gas emissions from LNG to rise. Continue reading BC’s Cap and Trade Act scrapped to allow for LNG development
False representations from well-funded climate change deniers mislead Canadians and violate the Competition Act. Continue reading Leading Canadians call for investigation of climate change denier groups
More than 100 years of data leads to important, but disturbing discovery. Continue reading Study reveals alarming effects of climate change on bumblebees