ecoENERGY is back! – GCNews # 737

energy audit
Image by Mr. Wright via Flickr

737: 18 July 2011 – Published by Green Communities Canada

ecoENERGY IS BACK. ecoENERGY retrofit grants are back: homeowners must finish their retrofits and have their follow-up energy audit completed before 31 March 2012 to qualify for up to $5,000 in federal grant money. New participants and past participants must first obtain a registration number.  GCC Home Energy Solutions Director Bhim Subba is back on the job.

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AWARDS.  FCM Sustainable Communities Awards offer national recognition for initiatives that demonstrate environmental responsibility and excellence. Due 8 September … Earth Day Canada Community Environment Fund provides financial grants of up to $20 000 to support local environmental initiatives and projects in Ontario. Due 31 August … Peterborough Green-Up Store won Best Environmental Store, as voted by readers of local paper’s Readers Choice Awards … Green Calgary has been nominated for a Calgary Choice Award – Best in Eco-friendly products and services. Please cast avote for this GCC member. Due 1 September.

ACTIVE TRAVEL. Ontario Share the Road launched a new pledge campaign to build support for more investment in cycling and active travel … Walk21 Director Dr. Rodney Tolley spoke about innovation and inspiration for better pedestrian environments. Ottawa, June 2011. His visit sparked interest in re-launching a pedestrian advocacy group in Ottawa, reports Jacky Kennedy, Director of Canada Walks.

GREEN WORKPLACE. Green Calgary Green Workplace program takes a holistic approach to environmental consulting by looking at the various ways offices affect the environment: Green Workplace consultation, report and action plan, waste assessment, presentation, and Green Employee Program.

PET POLLUTION. Over 20 Hamilton residents learned how to make and decorate their new doggy septic systems at Green Venture’s EcoHouse, 10 July. Each composter can divert 122 pounds of waste per year. See newspaper article … Cats are bad for the environment, reports Mother Jones: considered an invasive species, they kill at least a hundred million birds in the US every year.

TALKING SUSTAINABILITY. Coordinator of Scugog Connections (Durham Sustain Ability) discusses sustainable programs in North Durham on DSA Youtube Channel … Toronto Green Community offers tips on how to live a greener life and build a more sustainable city at the Optimism Cafe. 19 July.

FOOD ADDITIVES. Green Calgary Ashley Lubik indicates which food additives to avoid and recommends 64 food rules.

WELL AWARE. A Kawarthas resident praises Well Aware water guide, “When you are a private well owner, it is difficult to know what to do and who to trust […] What I needed was an independent source of information – no one trying to get my business and my hard-earned dollars […] The results of my Well Aware home visit were amazing.”

SOLAR POWER. Windfall Ecology Centre installed nine solar panels that produce two kilowatts per houron its roof – enough to provide about one-quarter of the electricity used in an average home in a month. Watch the live solar panel monitor.

FROM SEWAGE TO SWIMMING. On 600m of Fuzhou’s 100 miles of sewage and garbage-laden canals (China), a floating ecological living machine is restoring the water to health … See natural swimming pools, energy efficient spas and solar pool heating …  Hydraulic fracturing leaves Wyoming farmer’s well water smelling like gasoline …  See report on the impact of roofing material on harvested rainwater quality.

WIND POWER. Top Ontario environmental lawyer addresses concerns about wind power noise and effects on human health … “When it comes to health, wind power blows away the alternatives,” says David Suzuki … Coal lobby warns that wind farms may blow Earth off orbit (parody).

SOCIAL MEDIA. Facebook launched a resource center to help non-profits use the social network. The site includes educational materials, tutorials and a downloadable non-profit guide geared toward raising awareness and funds for causes.

COME CLEAN. See Ontario elected officials’ positions on clean water, clean air, clean energy jobs and green spaces on Come Clean website.

SHRINK FOR GREENS. A psychologists studies the mental health of conservationists – how professional activists, environmental educators, and conservation-oriented researchers handle the daily evidence of environmental destruction: with sadness and lots of anger.

JOBS. Waterlution, Waterlution Southern Ontario Hub Manager. Toronto. due 25 July … Halton Environmental Network, Project Coordinator. Due 17 July … Growing Good Eating Program, Workshop Coordinator and Facilitator. Victoria (BC), due 1 August … York Region, Project Coordinator/Solid Waste Management. Due 20 July.

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