Degrees of Change: Mapping the Effects of Climate Change in Canada

degrees-of-change-webscreen-180px-eng.jpgThe National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) has collaborated with the Royal Canadian Geographical Society to produce a new illustration that lays out 60 specific effects of climate change at increasing levels of warming.

The full initiative can be viewed on the NRTEE’s Climate Prosperity website. 

The report’s diagram, called Degrees of Change, rests on a large body of published scientific information and offers the first comprehensive
illustration of expected climate impacts published for Canada. It shows that the physical effects of climate change on Canada in the next century could touch everything from human health and community infrastructure to water resources and even tourism and recreation activities.

“Climate change is not just a theory. It’s taking place now,” said NRTEE Chair Robert Page. “That means we must go beyond cutting carbon emissions. We must start adapting our behaviour, our communities, and our economic activity to the emerging reality of climate change.”
The diagram is accompanied by an interactive web page in collaboration with Canadian Geographic magazine. The feature covers the risks to Canada’s coastal communities, fish and wildlife habitat, and human health, if global temperatures rise beyond the two-degree point,. Plus, the most recent issue of Canadian Geographic provides fresh new articles that look toward our climate future.

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