Free Retrofit, Humancides, Walking Conference – GCNews #682

682: 24 May 2010 Published by Green Communities Canada.

ICANWALK. Green Communities Canada received a grant from Ontario Ministry of the Environment’s Community Go Green Fund for the iCANwalk initiative, a multi-partner public engagement campaign to promote walking across Ontario. The iCANwalk pledge encourages people to make the shift from driving to active transportation for trips of two km or less.

WALKING CONFERENCE. Jacky Kennedy, Director of Canada Walks, will talk about Children’s Mobility, Health and Happiness, and Mandy Johnson, Program Coordinator of Green Communities Canada, will talk about Canada Walks Community Engagement Projects at On the Move in the Community conference.  Montreal 3-4 June.

WELL AWARE. Well Aware Water Guides training was held at Peterborough Green Up, 3-7 May: seven new and nine returning guides from 12 delivery organizations attended. Presenters and topics: Ontario Ground Water Association -provincial well contractor/technician licensing, decommissioning wells; Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion -how to test your water; Green Communities Canada -overview of GreenJunction; and Sherri Pula -presentation skills.  Field training session held at Fleming College in Lindsay.

WORKPLACE COMMUTING. Peterborough Green Up’s Shifting Gears Workplace Transportation Challenge offers guaranteed rides home, incentive kits and held a Bikefest. Slogan: Tour de France, Maybe. Tour de Work, definitively. See video … Resource Conservation Manitoba’s Commuter Friendly Workplace Awards recognize Manitoba companies and organizations who ‘walk the talk’ by supporting green commuting by employees year-round. Winners announced in June.

LAND STEWARDSHIP. Parry Sound-Muskoka MPP Norm Miller officially launched Muskoka Stewardship Program, 15 May. “The Muskoka Stewardship program exists to encourage private land stewardship. We want to help you to get to know your land better!” said Rebecca Francis, Stewardship Program Coordinator.

VOLUNTEER FEED-BACK. One of Toronto Green Community’s volunteers is profiled in this e-magazine article. “I was looking for Canadian experience. I couldn’t understand and adjust to being somewhere new with a different system than I had back home. With the experience that I have gained through volunteering, I really feel like I have all my confidence back.”

ACTIVE CALGARY. Green Calgary’s 16-hour course covers the basics of permaculture design and principles. 15 June-20 July … Green Calgary’s Healthy Homes program has been nominated for the Alberta Emerald Foundation Award … Green Calgary EcoStore promotes local producers, and answers the question, " Does water collected from rain barrels contains pollutants from roof materials and gutters?"

FREE RETROFIT. Québec Agence de l’efficacité énergétique’s pilot-project offers free energy-efficiency improvements  to low-income families in Montreal North and Trois-Rivières. Équiterre is a delivery agent. Pilot ends 31 August … Green Venture is a delivery agent for Enbridge Home Weatherization Retrofit Program, which offers free retrofits for low-income families.  Ends 30 November.

GREEN RENO. Vancouver is considering a green renovation bylaw. If approved, green upgrades will be required depending on building permit value. Includes mandatory energy audits triggered by the permit application.

ECO-FRAUD. “There are few quality-control standards to protect consumers from incompetent “eco experts” looking to cash in on the booming green building and renovation industry,” says this Toronto Star article.

SUSTAINABUSINESS. Sustainable Enterprise Alliance supports businesses that incorporate multiple bottom-line strategies in Ottawa/Eastern Ontario.

WE’VE GOT THE POWER. SWITCH Kingston’s Alternative Energy Cluster received $16,728 from Ontario’s Community Go Green Fund  for the 1,000 Solar Rooftops Challenge, which will make Kingston the first city of its size to have 1,000 homes with rooftop solar systems … Ontario Community Energy Partnerships Program covers up to 90% of eligible development costs to a maximum of $200,000 for community power projects. Charities, not-for-profits and co-ops are eligible as well as individuals, such as farmers … Canada could technically meet all its electricity needs if it moved aggressively to develop enhanced geothermal power projects, according to first comprehensive assessment of the Canada’s  geothermal resources … Social media campaign Unplug Your Stuff encourages teens to unplug their electronic devices when not in use.

BIOMIMICRY. Science author Janine Benyus talks about biomimicry – how a locust’s ability to avoid collision within a roiling cloud of its brethren informs the design of a crash-resistant car, and more.  Toronto, 27 May.

HUMANCIDES. Canadian CancerSmart 3.0 consumer guide suggests practical ways to reduce exposure to toxic chemicals in everyday household products … Earthjustice invites people to host green cleaning parties to learn how to mix safe and effective surface cleaners, laundry detergent and more.

JOBS.   Conservation Corps Newfoundland and Labrador  has 16 positions for youth aged 16-30: Green Team member.  Various due  dates … Credit Valley Conservation Authority, Supervisor/Community Outreach. Due 14 June … World Green Building Council, Communications Research Assistant. Woodbridge, due 26 May.

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