Canada to Oppose the Right of Countries to Label GM Foods?

Ottawa, Montr̩al et Qu̩bec, April 30, 2010 РA large coalition of
consumer, farmer and environmental groups are calling on the Federal
Minister of Health, Leona Aglukkaq, to stop aligning Canada’s positions
with those of the U.S. at international negotiations on GM food
labeling. Joint actions with the U.S. government threaten to compromise
the right of countries to establish labeling of genetically modified
(GM) foods.

Next week, May 3-7, the UN Codex Commission on Food Labeling will meet
in Quebec City to negotiate recommendations for GM food labeling. The
adoption of recommendations in Codex could permit countries to establish
labeling regimes without the threat of challenge via the World Trade

Though Canada has not yet released its official position, as in the past
it seems to be similar to that of the U.S., which is actually trying to
stop the negotiations from continuing.

These delaying tactics are unacceptable, the more so because they are
based on false arguments such as an insistence that there is no
difference between GM food and food produced using conventional methods,
and that the truth of GM labels cannot be verified. Canada and the U.S.
appear to be negotiating in bad faith and are among the last countries
resisting GM labeling.

The groups demand that the Minister give instructions to the Canadian
government delegation to support a position that recognizes the rights
of all countries to adopt rules on GM foods labeling.

Citizens are invited to participate in an internet-based letter
campaign to support GE labeling at Codex.


Regroupement québécois contre les OGM (RQcOGM)
Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN)

Ariane Chenard and Charles Tanguay, from l’Union des consommateurs,
will be members of the Canadian delegation in Quebec as Observers.

Lucy Sharratt, CBAN – 613 241-2267 poste 6;

Charles Tanguay, Union des
consommateurs – 514 743-0419;

Benǫt Girouard, Union paysanne Р450

Éric Darier, Greenpeace – 514 605-6497;

Michel Bélanger,
Nature Qu̩bec Р514 844-3037;

H̩l̬ne Cornellier, Afeas Р514 791-9023;

St̩phane Groleau, AmiEs de la Terre de Qu̩bec Р418 524-2744;

Nault, AmiEs de la Terre de l’Estrie – 819 562-4413;

Richard Favreau,
Avenue Bio de l’Est – 418 736-5947;

François Décary-Gilardeau, Option
consommateurs – 514 598-0620 poste 227

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