Smart Municipalities, Aboriginal Energy, and Cloudy Future – GC News #661

661: 21 December 2009 – Published by Green Communities Canada.

NEW E-STAFF. Alexandra Hall is Green Communities Canada’s new E-Library Development Coordinator.  She has been hired uder the Youth eco internship program of the YMCA. Alexandra plans to go on to a Master of Information Science in Critical Information and Knowledge Management.

HELLO FROM COPENHAGEN.“Canada has had many opportunities to play a more constructive role and move things forward [but] the lack of commitment on the federal level is being made up at the local level” said Brent Kopperson, Windfall Ecology Centre Executive Director, checking in from Copenhagen … Conservation Corps Newfoundland and Labrador Public Education and Outreach Coordinator, Krista House, was also in CopenhagenRideau Environmental Action League (REAL) took part in global demonstrations on climate change by holding a Vigil for the Real Deal on 12 December. Between 11-14 December, Canada held the highest number of actions per capita in the world … California Governor Schwarzenegger says that local governments and cities are key to fighting climate change.

GUILBEAULT. Steven Guilbeault of Équiterre has been re-elected co-president of Climate Action Network International. CAN International represents over 500 NGOs world-wide … In Copenhagen, Guilbeault was wrongly accused of an hoax committed by the Yes Men.  He also commented on  leaked documents about Canada’s emission targets.

ENERGY-EFFICIENT HOMES. Waterloo Region Green Solutions received $264,500 from the Community Adjustment Fund for creating energy efficient model homes for the Residential Energy Efficiency Project (REEP) … Waterloo Region Green Solutions received a $225,000 grant from Trillium Foundation to foster community engagement at the REEP House … Certified energy advisor Colin Umbach is featured in article on greening places of worship.

SMART MUNICIPALITIES. Natural Resources Canada Program Overview highlights the financial assistance, tools and training available to municipalities for existing and new buildings, community planning, municipal residents, technicians and industry. Federation of Canadian Municipalities’s energy sector research report covers all aspects of energy supply and use.

ABORIGINAL ENERGY. Brent Kopperson, Windfall Ecology Centre Executive Director, will present Pukwis Community Wind Park case study at the Aboriginal Energy and Resource Partnerships Summit. Calgary, 9-10 March.

CLOUDY FUTURE. Sustainable Development Technology Canada funds for climate change and clean air technologies companies may run out of money in 2010, says Toronto Star article.

DRIVING. See pictures of Clean Nova Scotia’s DriveWiser bus and billboard campaignHalifax’s First Hybrid Cab driver pays his car insurance with the money he saves on gas.

NONPROFIT MYTHS. Blue Avocado contributor busts some common myths like: it’s a lot easier to run a nonprofit than a regular business; nonprofit jobs are for housewives and young people; and nonprofit should be “run like a business” … How to Develop Yourself as a Nonprofit Leader report suggests strategies for mid-level managers looking to move into senior leadership roles … Ontario-based environmental leaders can benefit from Sustainability Network’s programs and services and monthly e-newsletter.

RESOURCES. Preparing for Tough Times online videos highlight the key financial indicators of organizational health and stability. For board members, executive directors, development directors, fiscal managers and other leadership staff … Ontario Women?s Health Network’s 48-page Guide to Focus Groups helps strategize, implement, and analyze focus groups in their communities. Guide can be applied to focus groups with any demographic on any topic.

SOCIAL ECONOMY. Telelearning session explores how community citizens can engage municipal governments in supporting the social economy sector. By University of Victoria’s Canadian Social Economy Hub. 15 January.

GIFT WRAPPING. The  average American uses two pounds of wrapping paper a year.  Wrapping paper that has non-paper additives such as foiled accents, gloss coating or remnants of tape cannot usually be recycled.  See alternatives.

JOBS. Toronto Environmental Alliance, Canvass Director. Due 11 January … Muskoka Heritage Foundation, Executive Director. Bracebridge, ON, due 7 January … Natural Step Canada, two positions:Communications Manager and  Junior Advisor.  Both due 15 January … Toronto Community Housing,Senior Manager/Building Energy Performance. Due 6 January … City of Toronto has three Waste Diversion Educators positions. Due 14 February.

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