Climate Targets, Solar Energy Park, and lots of Jobs! – GC News #658

658: 30 November 2009

CLIMATE TARGETS. The Quebec government announced its intentions to reduce its GHG emissions by 20% below 1990 levels before 2020. Équiterre applauds the move, but indicates that science recommends a 25% to 40% reduction … Climate Leadership, Economic Prosperity examines how Canada can meet a greenhouse gas reduction target for 2020 that goes beyond the federal government’s target, and shows regional impacts on employment and gross domestic product … See climate changecalendar of events and actions.

EFFECTIVE CAMPAIGNING. E-politics project examines the impact advocacy campaigns have on Canadian MPs: hand-written letters over emails, Facebook groups, Twitter … Australian New Green Leafcampaign aims at getting people involved in environmental action.

ECOSUPERIOR NEWS. Heidi Smith, who has been a driving force behind Green Communities Canada and EcoSuperior‘s growth and success since 1995, graduated with a B. Admin. from Lakehead University and has accepted a position in the health field. Her last day is December 11 … Proceeds from sale of tickets for a Christmas handcarved wooden ornaments go to support Naturewalk project … EcoSuperiorprograms for youth include EcoMentors and EcoDriving for Youth.

GOOD GOODS. Peterborough Green-Up re-opens its store and resource centre 1 December after months of renovations: features locally-sourced green products and resource library … Song Gardens CD was recorded using sun-power.  All proceeds go to support Green Up’s Ecology Park.

SOLAR ENERGY PARK. Representatives from ecoPerth worked with Canadian Solar Solutions Inc. on a draft agreement to set up a 10 mega watt solar power generating operation on an abandoned farm property.

CONSUMERISM. Greening Nipissing presented Consuming Kids at its monthly Greening Screening, 17 November … Advertising & the End of the World makes the connection between society’s high-consumption lifestyle and the coming environmental crisis …  Green Calgary EcoStore highlighted Buy Nothing Day by closing its doors on 27 November and showing The Story of Stuff.

FUNDS RECEIVED. Climate Change Education Centre has received $9,800 in provincial government funding to increase awareness of the science and impacts of climate change. Conservation Corps Newfoundland and Labrador is CCE host organization … In Newfoundland and Labrador, Conservation Corps is a partner of  Retire Your Ride program … Trade your cluncker for a hy wire car?

CHALLENGE. Durham Sustain Ability invite people to take the We Have the Power Pledge to reduce and conserve valuable resources and have a chance to win prizes.

JOINT EVENT. Greening Nipissing and RiverSides and Green Communities Canada’s Urban Stormwater Run-off project held a joint event in North Bay, 20 November. Close to 100 carwash coupons andEcoDriver tire pressure gauges were given to participants.

GRANT. Trees By the Shore grants assist with the planting of trees by waterways. Due 31 December.

MAINSTREAM MESSENGER. Jim Harris, former leader of the Green Party of Canada, writes a weekly column in the National Post. See columns on phantom power, heat-repel factor and green buildingsThe urgent threat to world peace is… Canada , writes UK columnist George Monbiot.
ECO-LABELS. Not all Eco-labels are created equal. Check eco-label lists from Canada.

JOBS. EcoSuperior, Manager of Finance & Administration. Thunder Bay, due 2 December … Bike to Work British Columbia, Executive Director. Vancouver or Victoria, due 15 December … ForestEthics,Senior Energy Campaigner.  Vancouver or Toronto, due 16 December … Pembina Institute,Environmental Policy Analyst. Due 7 December … For Climate’s Sake, Capacity Building Development Coordinator. Mississauga, due 20 December … Ontario Nonprofit Network, two positions: Administrative Coordinator and Communications and Outreach Youth Intern. Due 7 December… Planet in Focus, two positions: Senior Programming Officer and Executive Director. Due 31 December.

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