Teams who register by December 10 could win free school visit from Science World.
VANCOUVER, BC—In addition to the $20,000 in prizes in Science World’s BC Green Games contest, teams registered by December 10 will now be entered in a draw for prizes, including a Science World On The Road visit to their school. On The Road sends science facilitators to classrooms and gymnasiums across the province, presenting their weird, wacky and jaw-dropping science demonstrations to students.
Other prizes include a class set of shower timers donated by Terasen Gas and resources to support teachers’ practice of environmental education.
“It takes time to get these projects going, so we want to encourage teachers to start thinking about them now,” says Pauline Finn, Science World’s vice president of Community Engagement. “By promoting early registration, we hope to inspire even bigger and better projects than last year.”
BC Green Games was launched in 2008 as the first province-wide environmental contest for K-12 schools.Last year, more than 140 schools participated by engaging in local action projects and documenting their efforts.
Registration continues until February. Online project submissions will be accepted February 1-26, 2010. Submissions are judged by environmental education and science education experts based on: demonstration of environmental responsibility, creative problem solving and clear communication about the project. To view last year’s winning projects and find out more information, visit
Science World manages BC Green Games with input from government, school district, university, science and environmental education community partners. Presenting sponsors are BC Hydro and Terasen Gas.
"Education and awareness are key to creating a conservation culture in B.C.," says Larina Lopez, the senior manager of Community Investment, Outreach and Education at BC Hydro. “BC Hydro is pleased to support BC Green Games and encourage youth to take leadership in sustainability and build a conservation ethic."
"For Terasen, supporting a culture of energy efficiency and conservation through learning opportunities like BC Green Games is a natural choice," said Sarah Smith, the manager of Marketing and Energy Efficiency at Terasen Gas. "BC Green Games challenges students and educates them on how they can make a difference—at home and in their community."
About Science World
Science World, a non-profit organization, stimulates positive attitudes towards science and technology in a fun interactive environment, promoting the development of a knowledge-based society in BC.
About Terasen Gas
Terasen Gas is mainly composed of the operations of Terasen Gas Inc. and Terasen Gas (Vancouver Island) Inc., both indirect wholly owned subsidiaries of Fortis Inc. Fortis Inc., the largest investor-owned distribution utility in Canada, serves more than two million gas and electric customers and has total assets approaching $12 billion.
For further information contact:
Pamela Findling
Communications Coordinator
Tel: 604-443-7470
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