Alliance Romaine – Now’s the time

Time is running out to save the Romaine River, and Alliance Romaine is hard at work trying to do so. The BAPE (Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement) gave the project its approval in a report released a few weeks ago. Line Beauchamp, the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks, now has until the end of April to release her decision.

We are in the midst of huge petition campaign: we are trying to gather 10,000 signatures to present to the National Assembly. We will show the government that Quebecers care about their natural heritage, and that they are not interested in damming another river.

We are also planning to host a mock BAPE at the end of April. We want to highlight the flaws in the Romaine River’s environmental impact assessment and the BAPE process, while engaging in meaningful discussions about real solutions and real alternatives.

Alliance Romaine is always looking for new members and volunteers, e-mail us at if you’re interested.

Source: Sierra Club of Canada

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