Educational Games and Software

Here are a few educational games and software that help teach about environment and social related issues.
Darfur is Dying is a viral video game for change that provides a window into the experience of the 2.5 million refugees in the Darfur region of Sudan. Players must keep their refugee camp functioning in the face of possible attack by Janjaweed militias. Players can also learn more about the genocide in Darfur that has taken the lives of 400,000 people, and find ways to get involved to help stop this human rights and humanitarian crisis.
Learning Adventures from Discovery Education has a range of online games from learning about our oceans (Planet Oceans) to seeing what life would be like in space (Space-Age Living).
Food Force is a downloadable game designed by the United Nations World Food Programme aimed to help raise awareness about hunger and food scarcity from around the world.
Finally, my buddy Jason tells me that his Urban Planning program uses SimCity to help teach students about urban development issues. Imagine building your own simulated city with green space and local markets everywhere …and no ubran sprawl!
Do you know of or recommend any other games or software?

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