You love your kids… but should you drive to the ends of the earth for them?
It’s tough to juggle schedules and justify rising commuting costs when there are solutions out there. Sharing the job of getting kids to and from school takes some of the pressure off, reduces congestion in school zones and creates a sense of community while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. is an online ride-matching system and resource tool designed to assist in the creation of carpools. Modeled after the successful program, will connect parents with other families in order to share commuting needs. Not only will time be saved in the morning rush but participants will be reducing greenhouse gas emissions by decreasing trips to and from school, as well as reducing school-based traffic congestion (a solution that will ease both stress from parents driving to school as well as neighbours bothered by school congestion).
Passenger transportation accounts for 1/3 of Canada’s total green house gases. Much of this is accounted by short trips taken within city boundaries. In partnership with Transport Canada, the Alberta Motor Association, the Sierra Club of Canada (Prairie Chapter), and Sustainable Alberta, will offer Alberta teachers, parents and students a new sustainable transportation alternative.
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