CHIP TELLS THE TRUTH. Chip Olver, a GCC Board member and
Banff municipal councillor, is one of 200 Canadians chosen to
train with Al Gore to present
An Inconvenient Truth.
Chip trains in Montreal in April, then commits as a volunteer to
deliver eight presentations over the next year. Three presentations
are already lined up, she reports.
Communities received small (up to $5K) grants to help hold Community
Conservation Fairs before 31 March. Participants, funded by the
Ontario government’s Community
Conservation Initiative, include Durham SustainAbility, Greening Nipissing, and
St. Catharines
Climate Action Now. Peterborough Green-Up organizes
an Energy Conservation Fair for Business, on 20 March.
EARTH WALK. Green Communities are
promoting neighbourhood walkabouts as a great way to celebrate Earth Hour, 29 March. In a
recent Toronto
Star article, Jacky
Kennedy and Mandy Johnson
of GCC’s Canada Walks
program said Earth Hour is the perfect time to rediscover our
neighbourhoods and what is within walking distance. We need to leave
home, they said, to get a “sense of being part of something big …
something that our city is involved in, our country is involved in,
the world is involved in.”
GREEN BUILDINGS. Green Communities
Canada is now is a member of the Canada Green Buildings Council.
The Council’s goals are to change industry standards, develop best
design practices, advocate for green buildings and develop
educational tools.
ECOBABY. Lea Ann Mallett, manager of
EcoSource in Peel Region,
Ontario, has given birth to a son, Noah Donald Paul Karp.
HR RESOURCES. See HR Council for the Voluntary
& Non-profit Sector (HR Council) for updated and expanded HR
Toolkit, discussion forums, community calendar and “Trends &
Issues” feature. Covers issues related to paid employment.
GREEN BELT. A booklet series developed
by Ontario Nature, the Ontario
College of Family Physicians and the Friends
of the Greenbelt Foundation, promotes the health benefits of the
Greenbelt around Toronto. “This series has been developed following
a review of the scientific literature, which suggested that there
were unwelcome health impacts of urban sprawl,” said Dr. Riina Bray,
OCFP Environmental Health Committee.
ECOVILLAGE. Visit the Whole Village, an intentional
community committed to sustainability and land stewardship, which
celebrated its fifth anniversary on a 191 acre farm in Caledon.
Eco-residence, garden, self-sufficient lifestyle.
GREEN BOTTOMLINE. 2nd Annual Environment and
Business Conference, University of Waterloo, 26 March. Keynote
speakers include Dr. Thomas
Homer-Dixon, author of The Upside of Down.
JOBS. Canadian
Environmental Network, Environmental Planning and Assessment
Caucus Coordinator, due 17 March …Greenpeace,
Assistant Campaigner, Forests Campaign, due 21 March.