Environmental Facebook groups worth looking at – March 2008

facebook-thumb.gifHere are some Canadian environment-related Facebook groups that are worth checking out. They are all active and utilize Facebook events, links, discussion boards, and photo galleries frequently. And of course, their content is pretty cool as well….

The Green Chain Gang
Entertainment & Arts – Movies
This group is based upon the blockbuster documentary ‘The Green Chain” written and directed by our buddy Mark Leiren-Young.

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)
Organizations – Non-Profit Organizations
CPAWS uses Facebook to share their campaigns, videos, and photos relating to their programs and activities.

EcoEco (ECOlogyECOnomy: A Sustainable Dilemma?)
Common Interest – Activities
Based in Toronto, Ontario, EcoEco promotes and manages their monthly events using the “Events” application.

Planet in Focus
Entertainment & Arts – General
Our friends at Planet in Focus utilize almost every Facebook group feature.

Organizations – Non-Profit Organizations
Canada’s Sustainable Seafood Program, learn about which seafood is good and safe to eat as well as view informative multi-media content about the various SeaChoice campaigns across the country.

The Tyee
Internet & Technology – News
With over active 800 members, you really can’t miss anything.

Finally of course there is our Facebook group (which is small at the moment) which we only use to poll and send out alerts about our activities.

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