February, 2008. Alternatives Journal is looking for articles that
showcase examples of international environmental initiatives, to
highlight the lessons that Canada can learn from other parts of the world.
In this issue of Alternatives, we will look beyond our borders, and
especially to Europe, to glean the lessons that can be learned from the
environmental track records of its 48 countries. From Denmark’s adoption
of wind power and Germany’s support of the Kyoto Protocol, to the
European Union’s caution with genetically modified seeds and the UK’s
newly released eco-town development plan, there is a great deal we can
apply to our lives, laws and futures.
We invite you to submit article ideas that draw on both successes and
failures to explore the lessons Canada should heed in its environmental
planning. We encourage you to consider how these lessons would apply in
a Canadian context. While the issue will focus on approaches adopted in
Europe, we will consider relevant submissions that focus on other parts
of the world as well.
Proposal ideas include, but are not limited to:
• Case studies of European environmental policies, their effectiveness,
and their adaptability to a Canadian context.
• Examples of grassroots and community-level initiatives that have
tackled common environmental problems with unique solutions.
• Instances of notable citizen engagement and awareness campaigns.
• Examples of technological innovations, their efficacy and their
• Descriptions of poor design, problematic planning or implementation,
and environmental mistakes that should be avoided in Canada.
Alternatives combines the learned rigour of an academic journal with the
breezy style of a magazine. We aim to publish the best environmental
writing in the country – writing that is engaging, thought-provoking and
Before responding to this call for submissions, please read several back
issues of the magazine so that you understand the nature of our
publication. We also suggest you go through the detailed submission
guidelines on our website to understand the types and lengths of
articles we accept.
Queries should explain, in less than 300 words, the content and scope of
your article, and should convey your intended approach, tone and style.
Please include a list of people you will interview, potential images or
sources for images and the number of words you propose to write. We
would also like to receive a very short bio. And if you have not written
for Alternatives before, please include other examples of your writing.
Articles range from about 500 to 2000 words in length. Keep in mind that
our lead time is several months. Articles should not be so time-bound
that they will seem dated once published.
Alternatives has a limited budget of about 10 cents per word for several
articles. This stipend is available to professional and amateur writers
and students only. Please indicate your interest in this funding in your
*Send submissions electronically to Nicola Ross, Executive Editor
(editor @ alternativesjournal.ca) by March 19, 2008.*
Start your new year with a symphony of “unexpected” essays from
Alternatives’ first ever OUT OF THE BOX issue. The diversity of
subject matter (Buddhist thoughts on a tomato, faulty towers, invasive
plant species, insect cuisine, …) harmonizes the same important
message: unconventional thinking can change the way we live. SUBSCRIBE
Marcia Ruby
Production Co-ordinator
Alternatives Journal
Canadian Environmental Ideas and Action
Faculty of Environmental Studies
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
phone: 519-888-4545; fax: 519-746-0292
email: mruby@fes.uwaterloo.ca
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