Call for Submissions – Out of the Box Issue

Most issues of Alternatives Journal hinge upon one particular theme, such as Water, Politics or Food. But for our December 2007 issue we?re breaking from tradition to make room for those important and fascinating stories that just can?t be hemmed in. This Out of the Box issue will explore a wide range of environmental topics and ideas that don?t make it into the mainstream press in a substantial way.

We are looking for several 1500-word to 2500-word essays that dive deeply into environmental ideas and action. These articles will present alternative viewpoints that get behind, on top of and inside various environmental issues. Lively, thoughtful writing will lead the reader through the hidden dimensions of ecological issues, to reveal their social, scientific and political underpinnings. You may explain important research that has escaped mainstream notice, or expose the layers of gender, race and culture in scientific reports. Tell our readers about the music and language of nature, or make a case for how corporate-Canada is advancing the environmental agenda. Report on the grassroots successes of other nations, profile an unlikely activist, or play devil?s advocate on an issue du jour. In the spirit of ??no-limits?? we are interested in your short fiction, poetry and artwork as well.
Alternatives has a limited budget of about $250 per essay to a maximum of four submissions. This stipend is available to professional and amateur writers and students only. Please indicate your interest in this funding in your submission.
Alternatives combines the learned rigour of an academic journal with the breezy style of a magazine. We aim to publish the best environmental writing in the country ? writing that is engaging, thought-provoking and insightful.
Before responding to this call for submissions, please read several back issues of the magazine so that you understand the nature of our publication. We also suggest you go through the detailed guidelines on our website (
Queries should explain, in less than 300 words, the content and scope of your article, and convey your intended approach, tone and style. Please include a list of people you will interview, potential images or sources for images and number of words. We would also like to receive a very short bio that tells us about your involvement in the issue you plan to write about. And if you have not written for Alternatives before, please include other examples of your writing.
Keep in mind that our lead time is several months. Articles should not be so time-bound that they will seem dated once published.
Send submissions electronically to Nicola Ross, Executive Editor (editor @ alternativesjournal . ca) before June 15, 2007.

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