Encorp Pacific (Canada) is a federally incorporated, not-for-profit corporation, in charge of B.C.’s non-alcohol beverage container recovery system. Our mandate is to manage a consumer-friendly and cost effective system to recover beverage containers from consumers and ensure that they are recycled and not incinerated or land-filled. As part of an effort to collect these beverage containers, Encorp Pacific (Canada) would like to invite your school to participate in our School Recycling Program.
At the beginning of the year 2000, Encorp Pacific (Canada) implemented a three-month pilot program. By working with the Burnaby School District, Encorp was able to gain valuable information on recycling in elementary schools.
Because many students bring a number of beverage containers to school everyday, Encorp has developed a program to encourage the recycling of these containers. Refunded money can be used for school fundraising opportunities. Based on our pilot program in the Burnaby School District, we have determined that an average elementary school can raise approximately $50 – $100 a month. This program does not cost you anything, and your school will receive a full deposit on all of the Encorp containers you collect.
Encorp Pacific (Canada) – 2006-2007 Elementary School Program
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