Introduction to Forestry Economics

Introduction to Forestry Economics looks at the application of economic principles to both private and public sector forestry decision-making. While the text covers basic principles such as opportunity cost, equimarginal conditions, and consumer sovereignty, it also provides an excellent discussion of resource allocation over time.

This important new textbook is designed to fit the needs of students in a second-year course in forestry economics. It assumes completion of an introductory course in economics. The author is Peter H. Pearse, an internationally recognized natural resource economist. He teaches undergraduate courses at the University of British Columbia and understands the need for a book such as this.
Pearse was motivated by a conviction that a firm grounding in economics is integral to sound forestry policies and practices. Because forestry students are sometimes skeptical about the usefulness of economics to their future careers, Pearse has ‘distilled the subject down to the fundamentals, the basic economic principles of forestry and how they bear on forest management and policy decisions.’ He emphasizes concepts that foresters will find most useful throughout their careers.

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