Ottawa’s Native Plant Garden Days
Visit Ottawa’s native plant gardens – locations across the city. Free event – in conjunction with Garden Days Canada. Continue reading Ottawa’s Native Plant Garden Days
Visit Ottawa’s native plant gardens – locations across the city. Free event – in conjunction with Garden Days Canada. Continue reading Ottawa’s Native Plant Garden Days
Fifty Plants that Changed the Course of History is a beautifully presented guide to the plants that have had the greatest impact on human civilization. Entries feature a description of the plant, its botanical name, its native range and its primary functions — edible, medicinal, commercial or practical. Concise text is highlighted by elegant botanical drawings, paintings and photographs as well as insightful quotes. Continue reading Book: Fifty Plants That Changed the Course of History
Trees Ontario, the Forest Gene Conservation Association, the OMNR Ontario Tree Seed Plant and the University of Guelph are hosting a one-day workshop designed to provide the basic information required to obtain, properly prepare and propagate tree seed successfully.
Continue reading Growing Native Trees From Seed Workshop – August 23, October 12 and 13, 2011
In this 3 hour workshop at Kilborn Allotment Gardens in Ottawa, you can learn about common, safe, non-toxic weeds and plants that have a long history of use as food and medicine. Continue reading Wild Food in the City
Keen on completing necessary conservation work? On Thursday, June 23rd at 10:00am join us in the Waterton Area to tear down some unneeded buildings on a Nature Conservancy of Canada properity to help restore native habitat! Continue reading Bull’s-eye at Birdseye – June 23rd, 2011