David Suzuki: Oil prices drop as global warming rises
With oil prices plunging to below $50, the consequences of a petro-fuelled economy are hitting home. Continue reading David Suzuki: Oil prices drop as global warming rises
With oil prices plunging to below $50, the consequences of a petro-fuelled economy are hitting home. Continue reading David Suzuki: Oil prices drop as global warming rises
Listen to the full Keystone XL pipeline debate on the CBC’s The Current. Keith Stewart is the Climate and Energy … Continue reading Keith Stewart vs. Ron Liepert
Let’s slow down, breathe, listen, look and feel. Only then will we understand our place in the world and what we must do to live well on this small blue dot spinning in an enormous universe. Continue reading David Suzuki: Let’s slow down, for the sake of ourselves and our planet
Keepers of the Athabasca want to get the word out about ongoing oil spills in Cold Lake, Alberta. Continue reading Alberta group crowdfunds in effort to press government on tar sands spills
Governments should be concerned about economic risks and regional disparities associated with rapid oilsands expansion, a report from Équiterre and Pembina finds. Continue reading Oilsands boom brings economic risks as well: report
B.C.’s Christy Clark was right to walk away from a national energy strategy. She just did it for the wrong reasons. Continue reading Fuelling the future requires bold vision
The ongoing pipeline debates have become mired in conspiracy theories, distractions, and misinformation. Is there nothing we can all agree on? To begin, who would deny that our most basic… Continue reading Oil sands and pipeline debates hindered by lack of energy plan
An interactive event exploring the various dimensions of oil-sands development in Northern Alberta, and their influence on our environment, economy and society. Continue reading Oil & Water: Transforming Relationships in the Oil Sands
This is not a protest, but a way to help heal what has been destroyed and to give each other the spiritual strength to carry on. Continue reading A Healing Walk past toxic tailings ponds north of Fort McMurray
More than 50 protests in over 20 countries this weekend will dramatically escalate the growing controversy about the global and local impacts of Canadian tar sands on community health, Canada’s Boreal forest, and the global climate. Continue reading Unprecedented global protests challenge Canada’s oilsands
Edmonton – Following the launch of an RCMP investigation into Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s former senior policy advisor Bruce Carson, Alberta environmental and Indigenous groups are calling for the immediate and permanent removal of Carson from the provincial tar sands water monitoring panel. Continue reading Groups call for removal of Bruce Carson from Tar Sands panel
From GreenpeaceCanada – Shot primarily from a helicopter, filmmaker Peter Mettler‘s “Petropolis: Aerial Perspectives on the Alberta Tar Sands” offers … Continue reading Video: Petropolis: Aerial Perspectives on the Alberta Tar Sands