David Suzuki: Oil prices drop as global warming rises
With oil prices plunging to below $50, the consequences of a petro-fuelled economy are hitting home. Continue reading David Suzuki: Oil prices drop as global warming rises
With oil prices plunging to below $50, the consequences of a petro-fuelled economy are hitting home. Continue reading David Suzuki: Oil prices drop as global warming rises
Will we take advantage of clean energy and conservation or remain stuck in the old way of just blindly burning our way through? Continue reading David Suzuki: IPCC report is clear and we must clean up our act
A clean energy revolution is already underway and, as the world comes to grips with the need to change, it will inevitably spread. Continue reading David Suzuki: Only with political will can we avoid the worst of climate change
We need everyone to raise the bar on discussion and action — in politics, the media and our own lives. Let’s make the coming year a better one. Continue reading David Suzuki: Let’s raise the bar for 2014
http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/TVrb5UvwVnQ This video examines the “evidence” that some commentators use to make the claim that the Earth is actually cooling, … Continue reading Video: Is the Earth cooling?
Sea levels could rise up to 5 feet by the end of this century, driven by warming in the Arctic and the resulting melt of snow and ice, according to a new study by the International Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP). This is more than two and a half times higher than the 2007 projection of a half to two feet by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Continue reading Arctic melting faster than predicted: Sea levels to rise
Climate change is having devastating effects on people and wildlife around the world. From a lack of food due to severe droughts to homes being swept away due to rising sea levels, climate change is having a real impact. Read these compelling first-hand accounts of the effects of our warming planet both in Canada and abroad. Continue reading First-hand accounts of our warming planet – WWF