Green Giveaways are back!

Heads-up, green book lovers! Because we like ya, and because Spring’s here, and because it’s hump day, we’re bringing back our regular giveaways. Hurrah!
Just click on the Green Giveaways button to the right and find out how you can win this month’s gift: an updated and expanded edition of Hot, Flat, and Crowded, the bestseller by Thomas L. Friedman.
Continue reading Green Giveaways are back!

Share an inspirational Green quote – CONTEST WINNER!

Congratulations Michelle on winning this week’s Green Books Giveaway:

1. Obsessive Consumption by Kate Bingaman-Burt
2. The Self-Sufficient Life by John Seymour
3. Terracide by Hubert Reeves

We asked our readers to share “An Inspirational Environmental Quote
Our winning contestants submission:

“When we walk like (we are running), we print anxiety and sorrow on the earth. We have to walk in a way that we only print peace and serenity on the earth… Be aware of the contact between your feet and the earth…Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.”  – Thich Nhat Hanh

Thank you to all of our contestants for sharing suck great quotes. Continue reading Share an inspirational Green quote – CONTEST WINNER!

Green Books Giveaway Winner: Where Do You Buy Eco Books?

Congratulations Eric on winning this week’s Green Books Giveaway:

1. Protect or Plunder? by Vandana Shiva
2. Hot Flat and Crowded by Thomas Friedman
3. Grow Organic: A cleaner, greener book

We asked our readers to tell us “Where is your favourite place to buy Green Books?
Our winning contestants answer:

I like to buy at Second Look Books on Queen Street, in downtown Kitchener.

Thank you to all of our contestants for sharing their green book stores. Continue reading Green Books Giveaway Winner: Where Do You Buy Eco Books?

Who Inspires You To Be Green? – Contest Winner!

Congratulations Corinna on winning this week’s Green Books Giveaway:

We asked our readers to tell us “Who inspires you to be green?”
Here’s our winning contestants story:

My late grandmother inspires me to be green, because since before the 50’s, she was green before it was a fad. She would use her used tea bags in the garden. Wash and reuse, rewash and reuse, milk bags, containers etc. She always brought her own knit bags to the grocery store. Grew her own seasonal food. Raised her own chickens, pigs, and cows.

My grandmother, my green inspiration!

Thank you to all of our contestants for sharing their green inspiration. We will be sharing these stories throughout the week

Stay tuned for another great Giveaway starting tomorrow!

Continue reading Who Inspires You To Be Green? – Contest Winner!