Kids’ World of Energy Festival: Call for volunteers

The Kids’ World of Energy Festival brings together over 4000 students, youth, volunteers and families to engage with hands-on learning about renewable energy. Taking place at the Evergreen Brick Works, this festival will feature 3 curriculum-linked days designed specially for grade 5 and 6 classes, and 2 public days open to the community. Continue reading Kids’ World of Energy Festival: Call for volunteers

Climate policies are good for employment, shows Pembina – GCNews #720

GREEN JOBS. Pembina Institute’s new report, Reducing Pollution, Creating Jobs: The effects of climate policies on employment, finds that Canada’s governments could create more jobs by implementing strong climate policies than by continuing with business as usual. “Renewable energy [and energy efficiency] is the pro-job (more labour intensive) choice, creating more direct jobs than fossil fuel alternatives [including carbon capture and storage]. The federal government’s economic stimulus funding for infrastructure could have created nearly three times as many jobs if it had been invested entirely in clean energy” … Germany created 300,000 jobs in 10 years with solar and renewable energy. Continue reading Climate policies are good for employment, shows Pembina – GCNews #720