Raven Recycling aims to make the Yukon a Zero Waste society!

Recycling symbol3D
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The Raven Recycling Society is the Yukon’s premier recycling facility, serving not only the general public and businesses within Whitehorse but also providing processing facilities for all Yukon communities.

Raven Recycling is one of the largest exporters of raw material in the Yukon. The company was launched in 1989 by a group of volunteers who wanted to see recycling happen in the Yukon. Raven continues to offer the only full recycling centre in the Territory.

It costs Raven about $300/tonne to handle, bale and ship most recyclables. The organization receives only $10-$200/tonne in return for 95 per cent of those recyclables. Profits from their bottle depot business make up for recycling money losing materials.

Raven’s commitment to the environment is especially on display with their PaperSave Pickup Program.

For more information about the company, visit their website: http://www.ravenrecycling.org/

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2 thoughts on “Raven Recycling aims to make the Yukon a Zero Waste society!

  1. Ban Burning Garbage!
    Burning garbage, whether in the backyard or at municipal waste management facilities, releases thousands of pollutants- dioxins, furans, arsenic mercury, PCBs and lead. These chemicals are linked to cancer, thyroid problems, diabetes, developmental problems and heart disease.
    Is garbage burning allowed in the Yukon?
    The Yukon is the only jurisdiction in Canada that allows garbage burning at municipal landfills. Most Yukon communities use some form of burning to manage their garbage. Whitehorse, Haines Junction, Dawson and Carmacks do not burn garbage but instead use landfill operations. Talk to your local government about garbage burning in your community. Talk to your MLA if you are concerned about garbage burning in the Yukon.
    Learn more: http://www.ravenrecycling.org/garbageburning/garbageburning.htm

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