Let it Bee: Helping wild bees in the city

Toronto – Can you tell a wild (native) bee from a honey bee? Did you know there’s a difference? Bumble bees, for example, are wild and are key pollinators for many native plants. They are also more effective pollinators than honey bees for certain crops.

Despite their importance, wild bees face unprecedented threats and urban habitats are proving more and more important for their populations. Join us to learn about the threats our wild bees are facing and the simple things you can do to help.

Information tables – 6:30pm
Presentation with Q&A – 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Presenter Sheila R. Colla, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University. She has been studying the ecology and conservation of native pollinators and pollinated plants for over a decade. Her research has examined threats such as pathogen spillover from managed bees to wild bees, pesticide use, climate change and habitat loss. She recently co-authored The Bumble Bees of North America: An Identification Guide (Princeton University Press, 2014) and The Bees of Toronto (Toronto Biodiversity Series, 2016)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016 – 6:30p.m. – 8:30p.m.
Cost: FREE
Registration Recommended: http://www.yourleaf.org/event/2016-05-18/let-it-bee-helping-wild-bees-city
North York Civic Centre, Council Chambers
5100 Yonge St
Toronto, ON M2N 5V7

Presented in partnership with Ontario Power Generation and Friends of the Earth

Learn more at http://www.yourleaf.org/

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