OSEA asks WattsNEXT? for Green Energy

The Ontario Sustainable Energy Association (OSEA) is turning up their green energy wattage.

The non-profit group, which represents community power interests in Ontario, is announcing a new video contest, a real-time online map showcasing green energy supporters, as well as other conservation and renewable energy projects and a province wide Green Energy Field Day.

It’s all part of the WattsNEXT? contest, which offers the chance to win exciting prizes (including a complete 10 kilowatt solar system by AS Solar and cash bursaries), while showcasing the power of sustainable energy across Ontario.

WattsNEXT? gives Ontarians young and old an opportunity to share and learn about the power of sustainable energy building across the province. Information on conservation and renewable energy initiatives big and small and videos on renewable energy projects submitted will feed the WattsNEXT? database and be charted onto a real-time Google map of the province.

The contest culminates on September 24, when the winners of the top prizes will be announced at Ontario’s Green Energy Field Day, a “doors-open” event showcasing conservation and renewable energy projects across the province. The event will link up with Moving Planet, a worldwide rally by 350.org on September 24, to move the planet away from fossil fuels.

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