From the web (CPCHE) – The Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment (CPCHE) is pleased to announce its newest publication, Advancing Environmental Health in Child Care Settings: A Checklist for Child Care Practitioners and Public Health Inspectors. This hands-on resource is designed to assist child care practitioners and public health inspectors in identifying practical steps to reduce potentially harmful exposures to toxic chemicals and pollutants in child care settings.
Download a free copy of the Checklist
Order a hard copy with the CPCHE order form
A French version of the Checklist will be available in March 2010 in hard copy and via the CPCHE website:
We hope that you will find the ideas and suggestions included in this new resource helpful. We welcome your feedback on the document and your suggestions on ways we can further support your efforts to advance children’s environmental health protection.
For more information, please contact:
Erica Phipps, Partnership Director
Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment (CPCHE)
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