Canada Blocking G8 Summit Climate Goal:

The world has just a few months left to agree on a binding global climate treaty. The current Canadian government is, according to, attempting to eradicate the G8’s climate goal.

The G8, meeting in Rome this week, is weighing a pledge to limit global warming below 2 degrees centigrade, the level at which scientists say a deadly climate chain reaction becomes dangerously likely. Without firm quantifiable metrics the world could see searing droughts, sudden floods, and rising seas that spread poverty and force hundreds of millions to relocate.  The G8 leaders represent countries emitting  more than 80% of climate emissions.

The recent WWF-Allianz G8 Climate Scorecards 2009 seem to reflect the Canadian government’s position on climate change and inaction.  According to the report, Canada (and Russia) is at the bottom of the rank and “either do[es] not have political plans to change this development or do[es] not implement them.”

Now, Canada (along with Russia and Japan) is leading an effort to veto the 2-degree limit — and an immediate national outcry is needed to rescue it.

Seize the moment to rebuild our economies and ecosystems.

Click and sign the Petition, ‘Tell Harper: Don’t Block Climate Talks!

Informed global citizens and pressure can change policy. Avaaz members and other citizen groups flipped Canada and Japan’s position in the closing hours of the Bali UN climate summit in 2007, and campaigners won promises to double aid to Africa at the Gleneagles G8 meeting in 2005.

3.5 million global citizens have joined to “close the gap between the world we have, and the world most people everywhere want” As of today, 69,761 people form a global alliance in working toward a strong treaty in Copenhagen, December 2009. is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization dedicated to stronger protections for the environment, greater respect for human rights, and concerted efforts to end poverty, corruption and war.  Lead by a group of social entrepreneurs from 6 countries, alerts its community — in 13 languages — to urgent global issues and opportunities to achieve change. “Avaaz” means “voice” in many Asian, Middle Eastern, and Eastern European languages.  Nobel Prize winner Al Gore says “Avaaz is inspiring, and has already begun to make a difference.”


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Background resources provided by regarding Canada and the G8 Summit on climate change treaty:

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