KYOTOplus: Change Canadian Policy to Adopt Kyoto Protocol

A petition by the Council of Canadians for politicians to support the 2nd phase of the Kyoto Protocol this December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark:

KYOTOplus: Climate Action Now!  Petition

with climate change and diminishing resources globally, we are at a
critical juncture for energy policy. Now, more than ever, we need a Canadian Energy Strategy
that ensures energy security and helps transition to sustainable energy
production and consumption. Instead, Canada is taking a “free market”
approach with no energy strategy that addresses where our energy comes
from, where it is going, or the high price of environmental devastation
that comes with producing it.

We must have urgent
action on climate change to meet energy security needs in a sustainable
manner. Committing to emission reduction targets is an essential step.
As a member of Kyotoplus, the Council of Canadians is encouraging concerned Canadians to sign the “Kyotoplus: climate action now!” petition demanding Canadian politicians support these important goals:

  • Setting a national target to cut greenhouse gas emissions at least 25 per cent from 1990 levels by 2020.
  • Implementing an effective national plan to reach this target and help
    developing countries to reduce their emissions and adapt to climate

  • Adopting a bold, strengthened second phase of the Kyoto Protocol at the
    pivotal United Nations Climate Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark,
    December 2009

The Kyotoplus objective is to deliver hundreds of thousands of signed petitions to the Canadian government in the lead up to the Copenhagen conference

Get involved!

Sign the KYOTOplus: Climate Action Now! Petition


The Council of Canadians, established in 1985 and with citizens and chapters across the country, work to protect Canadian independence by promoting progressive policies
on fair trade, clean water, energy security, public health care, and
other issues of social and economic concern to Canadians.

KYOTOplus is a Canadian public engagement campaign to support an urgent solution to the global warming crisis.  KYOTOplus maintains that the Canadian federal government is blocking international climate change action and delaying implementation of effective policy solutions in Canada.

For more information read:


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