CanWEA’s Seminar on Wind Energy Opportunities

The Canadian Wind Energy
Association (CanWEA)
yesterday concluded the country’s first-ever
seminar on supply chain opportunities in Canada’s growing wind energy
industry. The seminar, titled Opportunities in Canada’s Wind Energy Supply and Value Chains,
was an unqualified success with larger-than-expected attendance of more
than 370 delegates from a wide range of sectors including
manufacturing, construction, engineering, steel fabrication, and
specialty component suppliers.

Delegates gathered in Toronto Feb. 18-19 to
network and discuss the new economic opportunity presented by Canada’s
expanding wind energy industry. The national seminar, developed and
organized by the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) in
collaboration with Industry Canada, was the first in a series of
educational sessions the association will host this year on various
topics relating to Canada’s wind energy industry under the Wind Matters banner.  The series is sponsored by SkyPower, Vestas, Suncor Energy, and Mainstream Renewable Power.

The event drew to a close as Prime Minister
Stephen Harper and U.S. President Barrack Obama announced in Ottawa
they are establishing a U.S.-Canada “clean energy dialogue” as the
first step toward a North American climate change treaty.

“Wind energy represents an opportunity for
Canada’s traditional manufacturing sector to diversify in these trying
economic times,” said Robert Hornung, President of CanWEA.  “This
milestone event proved there is significant interest on the behalf of
business to further explore this opportunity. We look forward to 
continued work with the federal and provincial governments to put in
place the policy frameworks required to ensure that Canadian firms can
effectively compete for clean energy opportunities with American

Wind energy represents a major industrial
development and economic stimulus opportunity for Canada. Between now
and 2020 it is estimated that $1 trillion will be invested in new wind
energy facilities worldwide and that more than 1.75 million jobs will
be created in this rapidly growing industry. This has created a strong
demand for wind turbines – comprising more than 8,000 separate
components – leaving manufacturers challenged to keep up. There is also
high demand for a broad range of specialized services in areas such as
construction, steel fabrication, transportation, engineering, and
operations and maintenance.

CanWEA’s Wind Vision 2025 – Powering Canada’s Future,
argues that Canada has the potential to make wind energy the country’s
next great economic opportunity, while also reducing greenhouse gas
emissions and addressing other environmental concerns. Achieving the
goal of providing 20 per cent of the country’s electricity needs with
wind energy by the year 2025 will result in $79 billion in new
investment, the creation of up to 52,000 new “green collar” jobs, and
more than $165 million in new revenues for municipalities, many in
rural areas hit hard by traditional resource declines. 

 The Canadian Wind Energy association (CanWEA) is
a non-profit industry association representing more than 400 members in
the wind energy industry. CanWEA promotes the responsible development
and application of all aspects of wind energy in Canada, including the
creation of a suitable policy environment.

Visit the CanWEA website for the original press release

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