Students work to save planet

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Published: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 – Trevor Newell, Leader-Post

Can the YouTube and Facebook generation save the planet?

Meka Okochi, chairman of the Student Summit for Sustainability, hosted by the University of Regina this week, believes today’s plugged-in young adults will be better prepared than their predecessors to collaborate on solutions to global problems.

“We have a common future,” he said. “I think we have an opportunity to build real improvements.”

Read the rest of the article here.

The Student Summit for Sustainability, “S3 (pronounced ‘S-Cube’), is an annual event of the World Student Community for Sustainable Development (WSC-SD) that brings together students from various universities and institutions all over the world to interact with one another,
as well as with key public policy makers and administrators, business leaders, leading researchers and other outstanding achievers, who strive through their actions to propagate the knowledge and practice of sustainable development, locally and globally.


2008 marks the first time ever that the Student Summit for Sustainability will be held in Canada. WSC-SD Regina, headquartered at the University of Regina, is proud to be your host for S3.2008 and invites you to explore this website for information relating to the Summit, its organizers, its
sponsors and more!

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