On Friday April 25th, join leading transportation thinkers, practitioners and decision-makers at Bike Summit 2008. The Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation (TCAT) and the Clean Air Partnership (CAP) are hosting this unique one-day summit. The event will feature presentations by leading international bicycle transportation experts on strategies to encourage cycling, case studies of bike lane designs from around the world, and best practices for bicycle transportation funding and planning in both urban and suburban contexts.
WHAT: Bike Summit 2008
WHEN: Friday April 25th, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
WHERE: St. Lawrence Hall, 157 King Street East, Toronto
(on the southwest corner of King Street and Jarvis Street)
WHO: Koy Thompson, London Cycling Campaign, London (UK), Randy Neufeld, Chicagoland Bicycle Federation, Chicago, Peter Lagerwey, City of Seattle Senior Transportation Planner, Seattle, Jeff Olson, Alta Planning Principal, New York, Usman Valiante, Bicycle Trade Association of Canada Director of Advocacy, Toronto, Jean-François Pronovost, Vélo Québec
To register and for more information:
Fred Sztabinski, Project Coordinator, Toronto
Coalition for Active Transportation (TCAT),
416-392-0290, info@torontocat.ca. Or visit
TCAT’s website at www.torontocat.ca/main/bikesummit2008
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