Searching for stories: health and the built environment

Smart Growth BC is seeking inspiring
stories of local and regional governments that have taken action to
improve the health of their community by changing the built
environment.  We will feature some of these stories in our upcoming
“healthy communities guidelines” publication (to be released Fall 2008).

Health can be impacted by the built environment in a number of ways, such as:

– enabling walking and cycling (for example, by building bike lanes or requiring sidewalks in new developments)
– improving access to healthy food choices (e.g. by creating community gardens)
– enabling social connections (e.g. by ensuring that public parks are accessible and safe for all residents)

your community adopted or catalysed a land use change to improve the
health of you and your fellow citizens?  Please tell us about it!  Your
story should:

– Include a clear action by a local or regional
government (such as a zoning or OCP change, a construction project, or
a new by-law).  Actions of a community group in cooperation with the
local government are also of interest.
– Be related to the built environment (e.g. getting kids to walk to school; NOT getting junk food out of vending machines)
– Illustrate best practices (beyond the typical; show us your innovation!)

Include, wherever possible, actual health outcomes (e.g. biking use has
increased by x% as a result of the change in the built environment you

We are looking for a diverse set of stories from
communities small and large, in a variety of locations (BC as well as
other Canadian and international communities).

Please submit your brief stories of 200 words or less to me by email (
OR give a call to Alice Miro, Smart Growth BC’s Communications
Coordinator at: 604.915.5234 x 313 to share your story.  Contact
information for follow up with key individuals is greatly appreciated. 

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